Sunday, September 11, 2011

How to Bring Enjoyment to Your Employment

We spend a great deal of our lives in the workplace but that doesn't mean we can't find a way to make our work enjoyable or even fun.

Workplaces have come a long way over the years with the creation of such things as Casual Fridays and various social gatherings for employees and their families but a lot of the rigid structure remains.

A great way to get employees re-energized is to change the location of meetings. In warmer weather, perhaps a weekly or monthly staff meeting could take the form of a picnic at the local park or even outside the office.

Employers could consider the spiritual aspect of work and could allow a meeting room to be used for meditation at certain times of the day or they could contact a yoga instructor to lead interested employees in yoga over the lunch hour or after work. At one point a Washington employee advocated for allowing meditation to be available at the workplace and over 300 employees were practicing it at work on a regular basis.

I have worked at one office that had its own fitness centre and sauna. While this may not be practical for every office, most offices could invest in a treadmill, exercise bike or rowing machine for employees to use.

Employers could do more lunch and learn sessions where the topics are of interest to employees. They don't always have to be directly related to the specific workplace and should think of the employee as a whole person. Motivational speakers or even someone who could teach a quick cooking class would be welcomed by most employees. Even salsa dance or hip hop lessons could be great team builders and by allowing employees to have more fun, productivity would rise accordingly.

Allowing employees to have more say in their workplace environment would also raise productivity. I worked in one place where one employee had strings of decorative lights hung around her workstation. By adding this fun element to the workplace, more employees will want to come to work and will not experience the ever common Sunday night blues, knowing that Monday morning is right around the corner.

Most importantly, ask your employees for ideas on making the workplace a more fun and comfortable place to work. By asking for their input you will demonstrate that you care about them as human beings and this alone will raise morale in your particular office.

Sharon Lechner is a Self-Improvement expert, Certified Life Coach specializing in Career Transition Coaching solutions. She is a former CEO who is passionate about the Law of Attraction and the new host of a local talk show called Empowering Women.

Sharon is also a motivational speaker and is available for keynote presentations and workshops. Her latest keynote topic is "The Five People You Want in Your Bedroom".

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