Monday, September 12, 2011

The Art of Letting It Go

"The Art of Letting It Go" is one particular thing that I have haven't yet mastered. But my individual experiences in life have made clear to me certain lessons that have allowed me to discover my potential in a intriguing way. Following my intuition. I suggest that we all have an innate ability to sense situations. It is truly is our sixth sense. Dogs and cats have it. Animals in the wild have got it. Most scientists would call that instinct.

We all surely have an instinct to recognize when a situation is bad or wonderful, including individuals when you first meet them. Whether or not Agnostic or Christian, the cosmic forces of nature or the holy spirit presenting to you. We ALL have this capability. I believe that we are certainly guided by forces out of our control. The Art of Letting It Go is the power to take note and go wherever that intuition is advising you. I also believe however that as human beings all of us have the extraordinary capacity and obligation to do good. Pursuing a raw instinct to injure, or extinguish life is never the eventual plan and this is what differentiates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.

Social Experiment 1

Eye contact. I have just recently become aware that I do not maintain adequate eye contact. Commencing today. Everyone you pass or meet, maintain eye contact with them until they look away. A small hint of a smile will add light to your eyes and convey warmth in the gaze. Even a nod can help separate yourself as a favorable person and not a psycho stalker. Do this for one week.

How much positive human connection did you receive?

Did you ever perceive anyone that seemed unhappy, sad, or pessimistic?

Social Experiment 2

For one week starting today. You will carry out every beneficial intuition that comes to your mind. If you believe you need to take a left instead of a right... don't doubt. Just do. Wake up every day for one week practicing the art of pursuing your intuition, no matter how silly it might seem. This is the ART.

Did you observe any change in the path of intuition, verses the path of resistance and indecision?

Do our daily mental tennis volleys of decisions keep you any safer than following your intuition?

Social Experiment 3

There are no coincidences. Coincidences are by definition "A remarkable concurrence of incidents or circumstances without obvious causal connection." I do not believe that is true in most cases. I think that every chance happening is just that, chance. But if you see a person, or hear about anything 3 times or more in a short amount of time. This is not coincidence, this is not chance. Don't minimize yourself to what "short amount of time" means. Just pay attention to it, and then stick to your instincts. You never know why the "coincidence" is occurring, just be mindful of what it might be. Pay attention to this for the next week, starting today.

These three experiments can be accomplished at any time. Simply start all three now, or break this up week by week. It doesn't matter. It's a social experiment and I would welcome any tips or viewpoints.

I think that people need to step back from the control of life, to one of submission to life. If we "let it go" and allow for it to guide us. Its astounding the alternatives that unfold. I believe some call it "Faith", Others call it "Cosmic Intuition." Either way, don't fight it. Simply float down that river.

View the original article here

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