Do you have a personal development plan? One where you continuously invest in yourself by up-skilling and cross skilling. There are so many options available these days, Some options will require you to invest your time & some money whilst some other options you can invest in yourself with minimal financial outlay however you will have to put in some time and effort. Depending on what you invest in, will determine the results you get and the return on your investment.
If you currently don't have a significant amount of money available currently, don't worry because there are some options for you.
Below are ways that you can invest in yourself at minimal cost;
1. Purchase & Read books on new topics to expand your knowledge in your current area of specialty or in other areas that could give you a new streams of income.
2. Research on the internet for free courses
3. Visit Youtube. There are many free videos that have some valuable content
4. Watch documentaries
5. Subscribe to forums
The challenge with the above options is that unless you map out your plan, it can get time consuming and can be confusing depending on the quality of the information you find! In addition to that you need manage this within your own schedule and you must keep your self accountable to stay on track.
As an alternative and for a financial investment, If you really want to accelerate your personal development and get access to new streams of income, I would suggest you investigate the following options;
1. Look for income generating businesses that leverage the internet & social media and find an expert who has had success in this area.
2. Attend courses by experts in the specific area you want to enhance your skills and knowledge or learn new skills
3. Get a coach or a mentor!
The advantage of getting a coach or a mentor is that they can not only raise your awareness and give you perspective, they can assist you with strategies and help you reach your goals and keep you on track throughout the process. A good coach or mentor will be able to get the best out of you and guide you through to success! Many people are now engaging the services of life coaches and business coaches as part of their personal development plans and are getting some great results.
No matter how you decide to invest in yourself.. one thing is certain, you must invest in yourself to thrive in today's changing economy!
Simon Boutros is a Life & Business Coach, Strategist & Consultant certified in NLP, Hypnotherapy & Time Line Therapy. For more resources and articles go to
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