Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Secret To Using Brainwave Entrainment Technology To Improve Mind Power

The mind is a powerful tool that if well natured and stimulated it can help one improve their self in many ways like health and even psychological. The brain is made up of very many parts called neurons that transmit electricity as their way of communication between each other. This means that there is some electricity power generated in the mind and it's measured in wave lengths. The brainwaves found in the mind differ in frequency and they all transmit different messages to the body. The brainwaves can be triggered to improve mind power. There are brainwave entrainment technologies that can be used to trigger the brainwaves and optimize the brain's performance and health.

Brainwave entrainment is a technology that is designed to synchronize the brainwaves by use of auditory subsonic engineered waves to synchronize the brainwaves to a desired frequency that will provide an optimum wave length for a better mind state. It is a new technology that has not yet become common or a household name but has been tested and verified to provide good results. This technology is based on findings made by scientists that in the cortical part of the brain, there is a mechanism that is uses the neurons in the brain to transmit electromagnetic waves that can be easily picked by sensitive EEG equipment. There are about four main types of brainwaves namely; Alpha which is in the frequency of 8Hz - 12 Hz, Beta which is in the frequency of 15 Hz - 38 Hz, Delta with a frequency of between 0.2 Hz - 3Hz and finally Theta with frequencies ranging between 3Hz - 8Hz. What has been discovered is that when the frequencies are at certain specific levels the brains functions much better than when in normal conditions? Different capabilities are attained of course at different levels for instance at lower frequencies the ability of the brain to retain information is heightened. These brainwaves are however active and utilized at only certain times like when about to sleep or when in deep sleep. However, the technology of Brainwave entrainment gives a person the chance to harvest these brainwave powers at anytime they wish to.

So, this is how brainwave entrainment is used to improve mind power and give the person a chance to have optimum brain function and performance as desired and when desired. This technology comes in handy to people who need to attain that extra brain capacity to perform certain tasks such as exams and other tests or even enhance growth of certain hormones. This practice however is required to be used or performed by only professionals who have studied it and know how to utilize it for good. This is because if done in the wrong way the patient can develop certain undesired conditions that may be a problem to them. The brain is a sensitive part of the body and what is entered and left to manifest in it translates to actions of the human body. So it is highly recommended one watches what they feed the brain to keep it healthy and strong.

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