Thursday, September 22, 2011

Finding Our Fit In This World

Every one of us has the same, but unique, challenge - to find our fit in the world, or more correctly, in each aspect of our lives. It's a never-ending task; to find balance, our purpose, and meaning to life that is personally significant. It's one of the key reasons why we are happy or unhappy.

Happiness or unhappiness in one area of life has the profound ability to skittle into other areas. The flow of the compartments of our lives is more interdependent than we care to realise.

Indecisiveness is a key indicator that our sense of fit is askew.


If we are given to have periods that vary from contentment to discontentment - the state of vacillating between these two, even on the same day - we straddle indecisiveness.

The truth is, when we grapple with our fit in the world -f or instance, in one important aspect of our lives, like our employment - where we struggle for meaning, confused for our role in it all - ripples pervade into other areas, even mostly our thoughts.

This is never a good place to be for long.

If life is seen as a flow, something we need to maintain regarding balance, and that balance is upset, we can begin to become less congruent within ourselves; less sure, maybe; certainly less decisive. Along with haste, indecisiveness is one of the two great pests halting contentment.

And, ironically, indecisiveness will make itself known in the unlikeliest of seasons. It may commend itself to a season already challenged for other disconnected reasons.


Life in the indecisive lane could be likened to a poorly ballasted ship; we imagine a ship that looks as if it may capsize. Righting a listing ship is perhaps awkward, but not as difficult as it seems.

Shifting the imbalance may take a focus partly in patience, to ride out the rough seas contributing to the list, and it may take a focus partly in discernment - the ability of awareness, and no less, the capacity of self enquiry - as well as the wherewithal, to install the changes required. Courage is the final component - sometimes we know what we need to do and all that is lacking is the will to do it.

Courage is comparatively easy if we consider that both patience and discernment are rooted in the character of perseverance, firstly, and secondly of gifting - not everyone has sufficient abilities or capacities in discerning the way forward.

But if indecisiveness is the marker, shifting the imbalance, somehow, is required.

As indecisiveness marks us as discontent, equally decisiveness can prove us inwardly very content. Decisiveness is, then, a more direct way to true blessing.

Decisiveness can be that indicator that we have found our fit in the world; at least in the significant compartments of our world.

There is interconnectedness between being inwardly decisive and happy. Those who have found their fit in their world are content. But, equally, finding our fit in the world is more a journey than a destination. Because of change, our 'fit' is something to be maintained.

© 2011 S. J. Wickham

Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner (BSc, FSIA, RSP[Australia]) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). His blogs are at: and

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3 Main Stages of Our Lives

There are 3 main stages of our lives.

1. When we are young, we all had our dreams.

2. In our growing stage, we have been taught that if you want to be successful, we have to work hard. We also see our parents working very hard. Even our teachers tell us that if we are to do well, we need to study hard. It is therefore, understandable why for many people life becomes very hard.

3. And as we mature, those dreams of ours become distant. Dreams become less possible or seem harder to achieve and as time goes by, some of us begin to give up on our dreams. When you are out there working, reality begins to set in.

We see some of our friends becoming rich and they don't seem to work hard. And you say they must be lucky. We begin to ask question ourselves, why and what went wrong! We get demoralised and we just do our job. We find ourselves waking up in the morning not because we want to but we have go to work, to go through the traffics, eat, sleep everyday without fail for the fear of insecurity. If we do well in a job, we get a pat on the back but if not, we get kicked in the butt. We just continue to exist and we live to pass time. Does that sound familiar?

Ask yourself, how can you expect to achieve greater heights if you do not change what you are doing now? The greatest insanity is to do the same thing day in day out and expect different results. If we want to change our life, we must change what we are used to doing...NOW!

When you reach 65, and not have made that change you will find that life may not be as secure as you thought, even with all your retirement funds. The World Health Statistic showed that when we reach the age of 65, 96% of the people will be either dead or dead broke (36% will be dead, 56%will need to depend on others survive, 4% will still be working, 3% well off and 1% wealthy). You may have your dreams but the sad true is that only 1% will have true wealth.

So how did this 1% create wealth? The above statistic tells us that 74% made their wealth from owning their own businesses, 10% are professionals (i.e. famous doctors and lawyers etc.), 10% CEOs and 6% the rest.

So if you want to be in that 1 percent, doing your own business seems to be the way. Statistics has also showed that 50% of the top 500 companies no longer exist. 80% of that remaining fail within 5 years and the rest fails within 10 years of operation. When you run your own businesses, beside the usual large capital investments and the certain level of risk etc. It is very common to hear the business owners saying that they have no time, they cannot go for holidays, and they need to look after their business etc. They become slaves to the business. The business is running them and not the other way round. Even if they employ staff, they will have a whole range of staff headaches, financial headaches and many other problems. These are usual for traditional businesses.

They become slaves to the business. The business is running them and not the other way round. Even if they employ staff, they will have a whole range of staff headaches, financial headaches and many other problems. These are usual for traditional businesses.

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How Hidden Subliminal Messages May Be Beneficial To You

Positive affirmations have been proven to be very effectual and the best way of helping oneself. This is one way of upgrading yourself to higher levels. Subliminal messages highly contribute to the development of the subconscious mind. Subliminal audio messages are recorded affirmations which have been saved in an audio file and have been converted to be concealed. You may be wondering how these audio messages are made subliminal, it is very easy. Affirmations are pushed to a sound frequency which is a bit higher. This means that no sound will easily be heard but still, the messages will be received by your subconscious mind. When these assertions grow up, your perceptions and conduct will start to convert at a central level. This will really help to save your time so much.

Instead of continuously repeating the positive affirmation twenty minutes daily, you will be called to pay attention to the hidden mp3 edition of your positive affirmation. This is also attainable as you carry on your duties or do other activities. The outcome will perhaps be the same, with only playing the album without attracting other people's attention and allowing the affirmations to reprogram the subconscious mind without your conscious effort but the total benefit is increased. These types of recordings may be preferred at the expense of the other known media types while working, studying or exercising at the field.

However, this does not mean that your other efforts are completely not called for. Positive actions will be called for in order to meet your target. However, your determination and self-control will be extensively upgraded. This will make it easier for you to realize your accomplishments. Though these changes may not be so drastic, the outcome may be viewed within a couple of days or in few weeks. Light changes will be noted in your thoughts, this will nurture until a complete change in your perceptions and habitual thought trend is seen.

Just like positive affirmations, subliminal recordings also have vast advantages to you, that is, from advancing your commitments to upgrading the level of confidentiality, the personal positive perception of yourself, your mind-set towards love and also, may be, even improving any health concerns. It is very important to formulate a good routine when getting the therapy, which will not interfere with your other important activities; most people tend to affect subliminal therapy first thing in the morning, or late at night before they retire to bed. Some therapies come with guidelines on how you can squeeze your daily activities to make time for personal development activities. Personal development therapies are quite effective when affected over a period of time.

In case you are well conversant with continual affirmations, then, you are in a position to know the advantages of these subliminal messages. The upshot will not be surprising but instead they will be very analogous, with only, saving your time as the core gain. This is a great additional benefit, especially with the fast planed routine.

Click Here to get your Free 'Secret Success Package' and transform your life in amazing ways!

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Write Your Way to a Better Life

It's no secret that our overall well-being improves drastically when we follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and get six to eight hours of sleep every night, but could creative writing have similar positive effects on our quality of life? New research over the past five years has consistently found that incorporating creative and expressive writing into your daily life offers tremendous benefits - physically, emotionally, and financially! Here's ten ways picking up a pen and jotting down your thoughts for fifteen minutes a day can help you...

1. Relieve stress - Whether you're venting about the boss from hell or imagining fantasy worlds ruled by wizards or vampires, creative writing can be a cheap alternative for therapy! Expressing your thoughts on the page gives you healthy opportunities to release pent-up emotions and take a break from the daily grind of life.

2. Build confidence and self-esteem - Poems, stories, and songs are healthy outlets for you to voice and validate your thoughts and ideas. For people who feel overlooked or singled out by others, writing on a routine basis is also an excellent way to identify and change negative thought patterns.

3. Feel younger - In 2008, a study by Dr. John Mirowsky at the University of Texas at Austin found that people who regularly do activities which require creative thinking can shave up to six years off their mental age!

4. Identify dreams and achieve goals - Writing offers you a chance to learn more about yourself, how you see the world around you, and what you want from life. A Dominican University study reported that people who write down their goals and aspirations are 61% more likely to pursue them.

5. Boost brain power - Exploring your imagination wakes up parts of the brain that typically lie dormant when you're watching TV or making a grocery list. Over time, regular creative writing exercises actually expand your mental capacity, enhancing your ability to "think outside the box" when faced with unexpected or puzzling situations.

6. Improve your career - Stimulating your mind with creative activities like writing improves both your creative and analytical abilities and helps you quickly generate more ideas and solutions, which can make you invaluable to your employer. You may even come up with an innovation which prompts you to start a company of your own!

7. Earn supplemental income - Submitting your poems and short stories to magazines, literary journals, or even greeting card companies could pay off, literally! These days, blogging about anything and everything, from being a mom to your commentary on the world, has become another fun way to share your thoughts and bring in some extra money from advertisers posting links on your site.

8. Communicate better in your relationships - Transferring a character, scene or idea from your head onto paper requires a certain amount of organizing your thoughts so you can convey a clear and concise picture to your audience. That same practice can carry over to how you express your thoughts and feelings to friends, family, coworkers, or clients.

9. Keep a record of yourself - When you find yourself wondering, "What was going through my mind ten years ago," you can look directly to your writing for insight into your thoughts and imagination at that time. It's a great tool for measuring how much you've matured and changed during various stages of your life.

10. Enjoy life and feel happier - Multiple studies, like the one reported by Dr. Geoff Lowe in 2006, have noted positive physical and psychological improvements in participants who practice creative and expressive writing, including improvements in immune system functioning, mood, psychological well-being, and memory. Lowe's study also found that people suffering from certain ailments, like asthma and arthritis, reported less severity of their symptoms when they were writing!

Allegra Newman lives in Los Angeles and is the co-creator of 365 Things to Write About, a hands-on creative writing journal for people of all ages to explore their imaginations.

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When to Reasonably Worry?

So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today's trouble is enough for today.
~Matthew 6:34 (NRSV).

There is a common cost to love. For our sons and daughters, our mothers and fathers, and our endeared friends there is a burden; a reasonable worry. It is a fallacy, and a biblical false teaching, to reject this form of worry. A cost of love is the cost of life.

We must believe that to be appropriately concerned for our loved ones is God's will.

Occasionally, this will mean our thinking will be preoccupied, our feelings estranged to sense, and our actions invoking courage and grappling with, and resisting, fear.


The sort of worry that Jesus referred to when preaching the Sermon on the Mount - that quoted above - is perhaps a more general portion of worry related to our health, what we'll eat, how long we'll live, and what we'll wear. There are many things we are tempted to worry about that have little bearing on life or love.

Reasonable worry ought to be confined to life and love.

To worry about those things that are within our control, instead of just doing them, seems to be a waste of emotional energy.

Interestingly, those things that are out of our control-things that are usually related to either life or love-are actually valid things to be concerned about. But we convert these worries into prayers. We convert our concern into faith, which is always expressed in action.


We can expect that a level of actionable worry - the concern of familial advocacy - is pleasing to God. We have the capacity for it. We can deal with a certain amount of stress.

The Lord has given us charge over these matters. To be ambivalent about familial issues, pretending to or refusing to be concerned sufficiently enough, would be an abomination. Perhaps there are too many parents, adult children, or close friends that brush off concern because it's not 'cool', or they fear their concerns might be ridiculed. But a genuine concern about loved ones is just an honest expression of love.

We can feel vindicated, so far as our obedience to God's will is concerned, when we do something about our concerns or otherwise leave them alone if we can't.


Concern is like monitoring a car's fuel or temperature gauge. Monitoring, of itself, needn't necessitate worry; we are just keeping an eye on things. When indications cause an elevated level of concern, then we act if we can. There is always something we can do, even if it's just to express our concern in love.

Reasonable worry is an actionable level of concern; the motivation of love, inspired by the courage to act. Worry beyond the ability to act is pointless and failing to be concerned enough when it matters is negligence. Reasonable worry is the middle ground concern of wisdom.

© 2011 S. J. Wickham.

Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner (BSc, FSIA, RSP[Australia]) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). His blogs are at: and

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Heart: Is It More Than A Muscle?

This article will look at the different aspects of the heart; this will include empathy, emotions and feelings. I will also explain my current understanding of what leads to an absence of empathy and an ability to feel.


I was also inspired to write this after seeing the Alfa Romeo advert. In the advert the actress Uma Thurman says the following line 'without heart we would be mere machines'.

So let's start this with an explanation of what empathy is.

In the dictionary the word Empathy is described as 'The ability to understand and share the feelings of another'. There is of course a lot more to empathy than this description reveals.

What is Empathy?

The description above, as I have mentioned, is taken from the dictionary definition. So now we have a basic understanding of what it is. The question I ask is; what is going on for the individual that has it? And what is going on for the individual that doesn't have it, or shows very little empathy?

Being able to truly recognise the feelings of another first requires the ability to recognise our own feelings. And if we can't recognise our own feelings or deny our own feelings, it is going to be close to impossible to recognise or to be aware of how others feel.

The Heart

This is where the heart comes in to the equation. In today's society it is largely seen as just a part of the body that pumps blood around the rest of the body. The idea that it could be something much greater and far more significant, is not even considered by many.

And just like the quote from the advert above shows, it is having a heart and being able to feel that makes us human. So now let's look at what the possible causes could be that stop one from developing a healthy and functional ability to empathise and to feel.

Traumatic Experiences

To one degree of another we all have moments and experiences in our younger years and throughout our life that are traumatic.

And it could be said that pain is part of the human experience and something that can't be removed and has to be accepted.

An example of the pain I am referring to is experienced when a relationship ends or in the passing of a loved one.

Now, some people that have these are still able to empathise, while others begin to close their heart and their ability to feel altogether.

Why Is This?

As to what it is that makes the difference here, I am not completely sure. There are numerous factors and influences involved. These could go right back to inherited trauma and experiences in the womb, to the conditioning received during ones younger years

Having a parent or caregiver who was emotionally unavailable or abusive, or experiencing nurturing that was overwhelming and suffocating, can all lead one to shutting down emotionally and closing their own heart.

What I do know is that the more we deny and repress our own feelings the harder it is to not only feel our own feelings, but to also recognise another persons feelings.


To me this comes down to the very nature of feelings. In that they can be extremely painful to face and to feel them again could be to trigger and relive the trauma that created them.

With our minds tendency to seek pleasure and avoid pain, the natural response is to escape pain at all costs.

As we continue to live our lives from the position of denying our own painful feelings, with the intention of only experiencing pleasurable feelings, we start to gradually lose our ability to feel altogether.

Extreme Pleasure

When the ability to feel is inhibited, there is then the need to experience extreme pleasure in order to feel anything at all. This then brings to our attention the substances present in our society that are being consumed in such high amounts.

Whether its Drugs, Alcohol, or Food for example, these all help one to feel good and alive. And if our natural state is one of numbness and emptiness, the usage of these will seem vital for being able to not only feel good, but to deal with the pain.

Extreme Pain

The other side of the desire to experience extreme pleasure is the urge to feel extreme pain. This is not the same as acknowledging our pain, it is something completely different. It is a way for the mind that resists feeling, to experience an emotional release. This is often called masochistic behaviour. This is a way for our ego mind to feel a sense of control again.

The Current Paradigm

Although there is other ways of dealing with our pain, due to our society being generally ignorant and unaware of how the mind works and the effect our emotions and feelings have not only on our life, but also on our bodies, these other ways are largely unheard of or are not possible to comprehend with the current paradigm.


Not only is there the substances in our society that help one to escape these painful feelings, there is also the aspect society plays in creating an environment that causes people to use these substances to such extremes.

It's the question of: is it the society or is it the individual? The perspective I have is that it's a bit of both.

The Ego Mind

Although the heart has its own intelligence, the mind is projecting and interpreting everything it sees. This means that in order to embrace our own heart we have to challenge and process the minds conditioning. So that we can allow our hearts intelligence and knowing to flourish.


Whether it is in processing our childhood or day to day life, processing our pain is not only important for being a conscious human being, it is also imperative for functioning as a whole human being.

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Think Straight

As the coordinator for a think tank which operates online, I am often reminded of the challenges we face in our society with incorrect thinking. Now I'm not suggesting everyone ought to be a logical thinker every minute of their lives. We all know the value of creativity, and the importance of a diversity of thought. It is wonderful what Americans can do when we all get on the same page and work towards that common goal. But it should also be noted that we stand for freedom, and individual liberty, and therefore we must respect the rights of those who think a little differently.

Still, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but they aren't entitled to their own facts. If something is red, we need to call it red, if something is blue, that is its true color, it is truly blue. Now then, obviously we have a problem in our society when folks think they wish to promote a certain agenda. That agenda might be environmentalism, it might be socialism, or it might be a number of different isms. And yes that is fine, however when groups of people get together and carefully doctor the facts and figures, they end up engaging in storytelling, white lies, and half-truths.

At some point we need to separate out the agenda driven politics, and rely on empirical data, we need to take a look at the facts. One of the biggest challenges we have is; when agenda-driven folks that are considered authority figures, are taken as perfectly and 100% credible even when they are purporting non-truths. Not only do we have a problem with those who might unethically try to brainwash us, trick us, or lead us to believe something that isn't so, but we also have a problem with their followers who blindly follow these Pied Pipers.

It's time for America to think straight, to challenge the experts, and also to respect authority, yes, but also to challenge them when something seems out of place, when something just isn't right. Individuals in our society need to step up, and be curious, and not be afraid to ask the tough questions. If those who have agendas are absolutely truthful and honest in their assessments, then they shouldn't mind answering the questions. In fact they should know the answers to those questions immediately, without hesitation, and without talking around in circles when answering the questions.

In this particular article I am not attacking any individual, or any group. I am simply stating the challenges we face as Americans with agenda driven leaders who falsified the data to fit their political goals. We must be wise, we must do our research, and we must think straight and ask those tough questions. And when any of us is in an authority position we must take that responsibility seriously and exercise integrity. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 24,500 articles by August 24th or 25th will be difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off now..

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The Process Of Change - Acceptance Formula


Beliefs are developed over the course of our lives and determine our destinies. Beliefs formed during our formative years tend to be the strongest and most persistent. The more emotion we attach to an experience, the more likely it is to form a belief. This emotion gets internalized and gets taken into the future in both our conscious and unconscious mind. Since we put more emotion into negative experiences, they often become our strongest beliefs and are most resistant to change. Experiences can be internalized on three different levels, emotional, cognitive and experiential. When all three are at work, the internalization of the resulting belief becomes profound. The emotions that attach to the event influence the meaning we give to the experience. This meaning underpins the beliefs which influence our behavior patterns that usually repeat over and over again in our lives. These behavior patterns can be positive or negative. An unwanted negative pattern can only be changed by changing our thoughts.


The process of meaningful change includes the following:

1. Awareness of the unwanted behavior patterns, habits and attitudes.

2. Understanding how the patterns were derived and how they manifest in our lives.

3. Taking responsibility for the beliefs along with the conclusions and decisions that have resulted.

4. Understanding the "pay off" we get from holding onto the belief.

5. Identifying the emotional triggers and limiting decisions.

6. Learning how to release the beliefs. For this to happen we need new words, thoughts, associations, decisions, choices and directed attention.

7. Visualization and imagination are important tools to create your new reality. Just as memory replays your past, imagination pre plays your future. Your imagination is your reality in the subconscious.

8. Learning alternative associations to short circuit the patterns and disengage from the emotion. Keeping a journal, controlling your inner critic and being accountable are all important parts of change.

9. If you can make the desired change about others instead of just yourself, the process becomes easier and more powerful.

In addition to the above, we all have an emotional thermostat that wants to return us to the comfort of our preset status quo based on our old beliefs. This thermostat is built on years of reinforcement and must be reset in this process. No wonder change is a challenge for us all.

The good news is that when our conscious beliefs match our unconscious beliefs, there is no stopping us. When this happens it is said that we are living life from the inside out. Put another way, we are living a congruent life. It is this congruency that allows us to fulfill our purpose, achieve our goals and be our very best.

Have a payoff for us. Understanding the payoff is crucial to changing unwanted beliefs. It usually defines why we can't change despite a conscious desire to do so. Understanding the payoff is the first key to unlocking why we are stuck. What we invest real emotion in gets internalized and is taken into the future. Beliefs are formed from learning something on three different levels: emotional, cognitive and experiential. When all three of these processes are activated, beliefs get internalized
king the blueprint to change.

What we invest real emotion in gets internalized and is taken into the future. Beliefs are formed from learning something on three different levels: emotional, cognitive and experiential. When all three of these processes are activated, beliefs get internalized.

Think of a Joe, a single man who spots a beautiful woman across a crowded room. When she looks his way she smiles and he returns the smile. He would love to meet her. It might even change his life. Instead he looks away and sits there frozen in his chair, incapable of taking action. Why? The conscious belief that he could take action, walk over to her, engage her in conversation and begin a relationship, is overwhelmed by his internal belief that it won't happen, what's the use, she will reject you in the end and you will look foolish to everyone here. Obviously, this scenario has played out before. By not even trying the pain of rejection is avoided and the ego is protected. This is the payoff.

I submit that you are in the same situation with your business as Joe was in that room. Perhaps you have been burned before. Invested in new ideas and techniques that sounded good but got you nowhere. If anything I have said has struck a chord with you, you owe it to yourself to take me up on my offer and join the Persuasion Formula while it is still available. If you want to change, I will not rest until you do and it becomes your daily habit. I will be your accountability partner in this process and will drag you across the finish line even if you are kicking and screaming. That is what is different about this program and why it will work for you.

If you would like free information on how to double your income and reduce your stress, click on The Acceptance Formula
Jon Buchman, D.M.D.
Dr. Jon Buchman has been a dentist and consultant for over 30 years. He has owned and operated 4 successful practices in Southern California and has trained numerous clients on how to successfully implement the Acceptance Formula in their practices.

Dr. Buchman is a graduate of Tufts University School of Dental Medicine and Boston City Hospital Oral Surgery Department. He is a skilled and dedicated teacher and enjoys helping dentists take their practice to the next level.

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Our Health Well

"If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we are not really living. Growth demands a temporary surrender of security." Gail Sheehy could not have said this better. As women, we thrive on security. We desire it in our marriages, our friendships, our finances, and our spirits. Within that security lays an innate drive to be able to say at the end of the day, "It's all good." We want to have it all and be able to do it all but often times, that desire comes with a price we pay and don't even know it.

You see, the beauty and goal of being able to say we have it all is to also be able to enjoy it once we get there. Yes, we have a conscious knowledge that we will never really "arrive" because our lives are a journey and not a destination, but at some point don't we all just crave to be able to say we are enjoying that journey? The truth is we often won't admit we have this thought. If we do, it's usually in passing at dinner with the girls or in our silent, screaming thoughts throughout our days. We want it but we just don't think it's possible.

As women, we must learn to cultivate our health well! I'm using well in the adverbial sense and the noun sense; the adverb use indicates we must learn the art of creating a sustainable space in our full, busy schedules often, to ensure we stay committed and strong on the journey. No one leaves on a journey unprepared who truly values the destination. As women, it is important to our co-workers, our spouses, our friends, and our community that we learn what we need to be able to continually give. For some, it may be an hour-long massage every two weeks. For others, it may be a trip to the lake or a full weekend of shopping alone. Whatever it is for you, learn to cultivate, protect, and most of all, demand it. As the mothers of the earth, the women among men, and the wives, sisters, daughters, and lovers, we have the right to maintain our health well also.

Woman, you and I are reservoirs. We are the wells continuously giving, providing, and sustaining life to all who come to us. But if that well runs dry, what good is it to all who need it? Peace of mind, clarity, freedom, enjoyment and life all flow naturally from the well that is, us. We are a health well, dispersing healing and love to so many, but we must learn to care for that space. Who knows, but that when we do, we could overflow?

As a results-driven empowerment coach and mentor, I bridge the gap between stuck and success for devoted women in life and business.

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The Art of Allowing and Trusting

Another big aspect to our human conditioning is this feeling that "we want what we want, when we want it."

There are many things being declared universally that ultimately inhibit your manifestation of that which you seek to experience or create for yourself.

The first being LACK. The mere statement "I want what I want" is screaming to the universe that you don't have it and, thus, you lack it.

The second half of the statement, "when I want it", translates to your doubting its arrival and it cannot come fast enough -- which translates into your not trusting in the universe or "divine timing".

You see, we believe that things should happen on a timeline or schedule -- however, the Universe is not bound by our concept of time and so it's delivery of things are always "late" by mankind's standards.

The truth is that everything happens as it should and precisely when it should. There are many millionaires that have experienced being "broke" before they experienced being "wealthy". In many cases, being "broke" taught them many things including the value of a dollar and gave them appreciation for "wealth" when it came. Yet, many during their state of poverty realized that true wealth is from within them.

For example, when I spent my years being homeless and eating from garbage cans, begging, and watching my fellow man pretend that I didn't exist. The casual but deliberate look away from a passerby is translated to "you aren't worthy of my attention, of my compassion, and ultimately of my energy." Moreover, it for many people, even stated "what a loser you must be to have allowed yourself to be at this place of extreme poverty." Or maybe they think, "Get a job and you won't need to beg for MY hard earned money."

Of course, there are others that are moved by their compassion and yet do not wish to separate from the almighty dollar.

Do you believe that you are "above" others? How much do you place on your status?

While it is true that the homeless ultimately have done something or not done something as the case may be to bring about their homelessness; however, do you believe that because of this error they should be "toss out" as the "black sheep" of society?

I found my years of homeless the most freeing and rewarding years of my life as they taught me much about living and the value of Spirit -- love, compassion, forgiveness, understanding, etc.

I know that the dislike of homeless people is a learned behavior just like any other prejudice -- however, just like any other prejudice it can be overcome.

So, as we experience hardships in life -- should we fight them?

I have learned that we should not fight against those situations that we have manifested for our own experience. I learned that NO/THING happens that you do not intend or bring forth -- consciously or subconsciously. So, in effect, on must take full responsibility for their life and the experiences thus far and those to come, and those happening NOW.

We, must remain, in a constant state of allowing in order to fully appreciate and value the lesson we are learning in each moment. Be grateful and allow each experience to unfold acknowledging that we created it and ask yourself, "What am I learning from this? Why have I created this experience for myself? How am I growing into a better human being by having this experience?"

After, I got back on my feet again, I was renting an apartment in a small town in Connecticut. A town where there were plenty of homeless and I found myself buying them meals when I saw them. In addition, I also allowed them to bathe and clean up in my apartment -- a fresh shower and shave for the men.

I also listened to their story and let them know that I cared and more importantly that I saw them -- not as a homeless person, but as an important person with a story. I made them feel human again! I made them feel loved and as though life wasn't worth abandoning and that they could recover if they so choose.

See, part of not allowing, is not accepting responsibility and passing blame. When things don't work out as we intended or thought they should -- we feel disheartened, instead of allowing things to unfold and trust that something better is on the way.

You have to trust in the Universe or God and know that everything will be exactly as it should. Everything, works itself out in the end -- balance ultimately is restored.

We must remember, that we are divine expressions of God Consciousness in the physical form and that by allowing and trusting in that -- we surrender to the flow of the universe. A flow that when fighting it -- we subject ourselves to bumps and bruises as we battle the current of the Universe -- yet, when we surrender it carries us gently to our desired destination.

It is our constant need to rush and "get what we want when we want it" that delays the process if not negates the process by which we ultimately would have achieved our desire if we but allowed ourselves to experience and embrace each moment our desire would be manifest.

We must realize that when we declare something to the Universe or OUR God Mind -- we are setting into vibration a thought which will become a "reality" in our physical world through manifestation. So, if we are coming from a place of LACK then it is lack that we are creating.

We live our beliefs and our beliefs too send vibration to the Universal Consciousness and it supplies the direct result of those beliefs.

A person who is wealthy beyond imagination may be disconnected from true wealth and abundance which a homeless person who appreciates life with every fiber of their being may possess.


"I allow (input experience, situation, etc.) and know that this is meant to happen so that I may rise above it by first going through it, and trust that the Universe is clearing a path for me."

"I trust that my God Mind or Universal Mind is above this (input situation and / or experience) and that I will allow myself to be positively transformed by this experience and trust the Universe will show me the way."

Dubbed a living luminary William Constantine is a powerfully dynamic keynote speaker in the fields of; personal development, spirituality, inspiration, and motivation. For more information visit,

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Secret To Gaining Complete Control Over Your Subconscious Mind

No one can deny the fact that the human mind is the most powerful and magnificent thing in the adverse universe. Therefore, the mere power of subconscious mind should never be ignored. Despite what a person does or says, all start off from the mind. Sometimes, your actions may be manifested in your subconscious level. This is an evident that, any effect on your actions is contributed highly from your subconscious mind. Most people are still not aware that the power of conscious mind is very immense and it is almost beyond belief. Therefore when one gets to learn how to equip oneself with this power, then you are guaranteed to live life to the maximum since you will be aware and fully in line with your thoughts and how it leads you.

Gaining complete control over your subconscious mind is not a complex process; instead, it involves a series of very simple procedures to be followed. With it, you will be in a better position to open up your mind to venture into the very many opportunities that the world offers. One of the easiest ways to gain a subconscious mind is through affirmations. This will call for your consistent remembrance of a certain life aspect that will play a significant role in having an impact in your life. This, however, will come with its natural responses, for instance, a feeling that you are really stressed. Therefore, with affirmation in place, it will easier to do away with the negative state of mind and you will be in a position to deal with the task more efficiently.

You can only accomplish your task by constantly reminding your mind that any task has to be accomplished successfully in order to gain the abundant advantages from it. With affirmation, you will be able to reach out to the power of your subconscious mind. The power of a subconscious mind can also be harnessed through post hypnotic suggestion. This can be done either with the help of a professional therapist or self hypnotic means while the aid of specifically created audio recordings. All these methods will work towards harnessing the power of your subconscious mind. However, there is also another method called binaural beats. This process involves coordinating the brain waves of the two hemispheres in the brain by using different sound frequencies which are played into each ear with the help of a set of headphones. Although the frequencies may not be the same, but they are enough to cause immediate results to a pensive state of mind. This will enable the conscious mind to co-ordinate with the subconscious mind. The power of subconscious mind not only changes your behavior but also helps you to discover the easily way toward the dreams of your life.

The positive aspect of a human mind is very crucial and has to be looked into since it is very helpful. Also sub consciousness has to be approached as a means of self-development. Therefore, as it seems, the guiding of the subconscious mind is no where a complex process but a sequence of easy processes.

Click Here to get your Free 'Secret Success Package' and transform your life in amazing ways!

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Choose to Be Irreplaceable

Did you know that you can "choose" to be irreplaceable within your daily work environment? If I were to have a chat with your boss today, what would he or she say about you? Would they consider you to be irreplaceable or would they be more than willing to "let you go?"

Today let me share with you some of the characteristics that top notch employees have in common. It is these characteristics that allow them to stand above the rest while also, marking them as being irreplaceable.

Be Enthusiastic-Nothing is worse than coming to work on a daily basis and having to work alongside colleagues that moan and groan about their work life and really, about life in general. People are naturally drawn to those who are not only enthusiastic about what they do, but also enthusiastic about life. Would your colleagues say that you are enthusiastic about what you do?

Be a Team Player-Today, more and more organizations are embracing a teamwork model. More and more employers are looking for individuals who can work alongside others for the betterment of the company. If you want to stand out, be a team player!

Be Passionate about What You Do-Are you passionate about what you do on a daily basis? If not, I have to ask-why are you doing what you are doing? If you are not passionate about the work you are completing on a daily basis, it shows. Not only do your fellow colleagues notice, but so does your boss. Employers will keep those who are passionate about their job.

Be Motivated-Are you motivated to go the extra mile? Are you motivated to do everything with excellence? Where does your motivation come from?

Be Positive-What kind of attitude are you "displaying" on a daily basis? Nothing is worse than a negative attitude. Do you tend to see the good things that are taking place, or do you tend to focus only on the negatives? Your attitude can either make you or break you.

Be Teachable-Employers long for team members who are teachable. If you come to work with a know it all attitude, I can guarantee you that you will not last long. Be ready and willing to consistently grow - your boss will notice.

Excel at Your Position-Are you excelling at your position? Are you giving your daily work assignments your everything? Are you doing everything with excellence? Make it your goal to excel at what you do-others will notice.

Take Initiative-When you see areas for improvement, do you tend to chat and discuss with your colleagues "how bad" things are or do you look for ways to help make things better? If you see an area that needs improvement, do you offer using your skill set to improve the situation, or do you just complain about "what still needs to be done?" Employers LOVE those who take the initiative and run with it. Where in your work environment can you take the lead?

Every day, you have the option of choosing to be irreplaceable. What will you do this week to stand out from the crowd?

As a wife, mom, life coach, educator, writer and speaker, Jen can best be described as a normal everyday woman who loves Jesus and wants nothing more than to live a life of significance and purpose. God has blessed her with multiple opportunities to inspire and equip students and women to live out their Soul Mission; becoming who God has uniquely created them to be!

Nothing excites Jen more than to see students and women living out their unique purpose, calling, and Soul Mission! It is her joy to help them discover their individual shape and in turn, help them reach their full potential. If you (or someone you know) are ready to enhance your quality of life, move forward, and become God's best, then let's chat! Jen wants to help you achieve greater success!

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

What Happens When We Do Not Say Thank You

Have you ever encountered people in your life where you open yourself freely to them and give to them generously and they do not appreciate what you have shared with not even a word of Thanks? I am sure many of you have had this experience. How did you feel when that happened? Were you angry? Resentful? Did you feel used and taken for granted?

I think the first reaction for most people would be resentment, followed by a feeling of a victim of being used. How did you then combat these negative feelings that you know are unhealthy for you?

I could easily tell you, well, it is their loss not yours; Don't sweat over small stuff; When they do not appreciate you and what you give, they are not receiving; and so on. But of course you may still feel angry and resentful and what I have said here does not really help. So the next question I would like to ask you is this:

Why do we get so angry and resentful when other people do not appreciate our generosity? What is it that is making us move out of our peace?

I would like to offer a new perspective on this. I mean, besides the understanding that we have a need to be recognized, a need to control how other people should behave and how we are not exercising our own will -- these being the underlying reasons why we get resentful, I would like to offer a different perspective.

I think a part of us, deep down, feels that when a person does not appreciate what we give or say thank you, we feel like they have killed the cycle of abundance for us. This is just a feeling of course and not exactly how it is happening.

When we are in a mood to give, when we are generous we feel an outpouring of energies from us to them, and when the receiving party does not appreciate we feel they have put a block to this outpouring and they have short-circuited the flow. We get angry because we feel they have controlled and stopped our flow.

The thing is, we must remember that WE are in charge of our own abundance flow, not other people and least of all, not people who do not have the capacity to appreciate. When we start to get resentful, in truth we are the ones who have stopped our own abundance flow! We cannot manifest abundance with this state of mind.

In fact we must say within our hearts to the other party: thank you for showing me that I am still in the flow of my abundance even though you cannot/will not be part of it. Thank you for showing me how powerful I am.

So what happens when we do say thank you? We feel our power, and we KNOW our power of abundance. And nothing will block us from receiving what the Universe/God is giving to us.

Your Assignment This Week:

Keep track of everything that happens, positive or perceived negative things. And give thanks for the good fortune and the learning experiences. Remember, when you feel the thanks and gratitude in your heart you are allowing yourself to vibrate these feelings outwards making your whole being a living prayer - a magnet of abundance.

Shamala Tan is the founder of a system devoted to teaching teaching spiritual small business entrepreneurs around the world how to consistently create abundance and resources in their lives in order to manifest, fulfill and expand their life's mission. You may contact Shamala at

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The Secret To Using Brainwave Entrainment Technology To Improve Mind Power

The mind is a powerful tool that if well natured and stimulated it can help one improve their self in many ways like health and even psychological. The brain is made up of very many parts called neurons that transmit electricity as their way of communication between each other. This means that there is some electricity power generated in the mind and it's measured in wave lengths. The brainwaves found in the mind differ in frequency and they all transmit different messages to the body. The brainwaves can be triggered to improve mind power. There are brainwave entrainment technologies that can be used to trigger the brainwaves and optimize the brain's performance and health.

Brainwave entrainment is a technology that is designed to synchronize the brainwaves by use of auditory subsonic engineered waves to synchronize the brainwaves to a desired frequency that will provide an optimum wave length for a better mind state. It is a new technology that has not yet become common or a household name but has been tested and verified to provide good results. This technology is based on findings made by scientists that in the cortical part of the brain, there is a mechanism that is uses the neurons in the brain to transmit electromagnetic waves that can be easily picked by sensitive EEG equipment. There are about four main types of brainwaves namely; Alpha which is in the frequency of 8Hz - 12 Hz, Beta which is in the frequency of 15 Hz - 38 Hz, Delta with a frequency of between 0.2 Hz - 3Hz and finally Theta with frequencies ranging between 3Hz - 8Hz. What has been discovered is that when the frequencies are at certain specific levels the brains functions much better than when in normal conditions? Different capabilities are attained of course at different levels for instance at lower frequencies the ability of the brain to retain information is heightened. These brainwaves are however active and utilized at only certain times like when about to sleep or when in deep sleep. However, the technology of Brainwave entrainment gives a person the chance to harvest these brainwave powers at anytime they wish to.

So, this is how brainwave entrainment is used to improve mind power and give the person a chance to have optimum brain function and performance as desired and when desired. This technology comes in handy to people who need to attain that extra brain capacity to perform certain tasks such as exams and other tests or even enhance growth of certain hormones. This practice however is required to be used or performed by only professionals who have studied it and know how to utilize it for good. This is because if done in the wrong way the patient can develop certain undesired conditions that may be a problem to them. The brain is a sensitive part of the body and what is entered and left to manifest in it translates to actions of the human body. So it is highly recommended one watches what they feed the brain to keep it healthy and strong.

Click Here to get your Free "Success Accelerator" Brainwave Cd today! Unleash your Mind Power potential to attain the lifestyle that you want. Go claim your Free Cd today!

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Self-Development For Yourself

The tools that I have presented in previous articles can be very useful. I do find myself, for that matter the enthusiasm of the people I coach, that they begin to feel that they regain power over their lives! The sparkle and wonder in their eyes shows how many small changes can make all the difference.

You already have great power, but it explodes when you decide to use it better by taking concrete initiatives. When you take action, you start to believe you can revolutionize your life, and it is this belief which then allows you to succeed!

It is easy to read articles like these. What is really difficult is to update its content in every application. When reading strategies and personal management, and time management, you may feel that the lives of those who use them are set as a Swiss clock, leaving no room for freedom or chance.

If so, they fail miserably to live the values that matter most to heart and be happy. However, imbalance alone does not lead to happiness. A day that is too regulated will not necessarily aside beautiful aspects of life. In other words, do not go crazy with efficiency! Because the effects of continuous improvement are gradual, and one must never stop to enjoy the present moment.

I have presented a wide range of strategies you can use. Retain only those that best suit your personality and that are relevant to your goals. Time management and priorities, when properly used, should reduce the pains of life by adding value!

And here's one last question I ask. Why do you want to achieve? Of course, for yourself. But what you will taste in success? (okay, I guess it's rather two questions) When you gaze at the sky from the top of a mountain, ask yourself if you managed that yourself. Can you really succeed just for yourself? (fine, three questions then!)

No truly successful person does it solely for his personal benefit. If so, life quickly becomes meaningless and miserable. The vision becomes too limited.

The fact that you care about others is an endless source of satisfaction. This is love, a source to nurture life. Once you have achieved all the goals you want for yourself, do not forget to share with others what you receive!

At this point, you have passed the stage of personal achievement to reach that excess staff. This is the dimension that is the most accomplished and most "spiritual" in this great process in which you're engaged. Transcendence fundamentally affects the direction and mission that you give your life and participates in the collective work of humanity.

That's what sums up the phrase "Pay it Forward." The more and more you improve your motivation, the more you will also want to talk to others and help them. In short, you'll want to give back a hundredfold what you have received (while keeping what you have: confidence, esteem, joy, satisfaction, etc.).

Health & Happiness web magazine gives you the information about how to be happy and we all know that how important is it today to find happiness so as to prevent diseases and a key information to keep control on the most important part of our life. To know more about self-development, visit

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Life in the Shadow of Technology

I'm writing this on a Mac. Not a new one (I'm not all that cool). I've owned this one since 2007. So I had to get on down to a local Apple store recently and upgrade it to a 10.6.7. (Whatever that is.)

And the fact is, I really didn't have much choice in the matter. If I want my website to function, if I want Firefox 4 to download, if I want to simply "keep up" with all the other computers in constant communication with this one, I had to purchase new hardware. Will have to again and again, actually, until poor old Mac here will no longer be capable of "keeping up," at which point I will have to toss him out and fork over the money for a brand new computer. (I just hope and pray Mac hasn't gotten as smart as HAL by then, or disposal could become a real problem.)

Check out the verbs in those two paragraphs above-had to, didn't have much choice, had to, will have to again and again, will have to-and you begin to understand where science fiction comes from. We've reached the point where it's no longer clear which is in control: our will, or the will of cyberspace... But it is clear that as an author and a publisher with books and ePubs to sell in 2011, the success of my individual creativity-not to mention my fricking livelihood-depends on how well I can participate in a hive mind.

Which gets spooky, because while this vast and intricate web supports us, it can also entrap us. The hive mind is not unbiased. The hive mind is actually extremely biased, extremely quick to judge, and extremely harsh in its judgments. Facebook, which was supposed to be a harmless way of keeping in touch with others, has already killed a couple of people. Twitter is the fastest way of slinging poison darts ever invented.

No wonder artists, writers, and film makers are getting alarmed. We don't really know what lies in the shadow of this much technology. We don't really know what it's doing to our souls.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a Luddite. I love my gadgets. They make my life richer and easier in thousands of ways. Don't even think about taking my coffee grinder, or my hot water cascading out of its indoor faucets, or my stereo (notice I didn't say iPod-told you I wasn't cool), or this laptop perched up on a huge dictionary (where it won't break my neck to look at it all day) which writes, edits and produces without ever needing White Out, glue or Exacto knives. (The sign tacked up on my office wall back in the dark ages said: "Cut and paste till you puke.")

I just find myself increasingly uncomfortable with how rapidly 'the home of the free and the brave' has turned into 'the land where we all have to have the same sorts of things (is that freedom?) and panic when they don't work properly' (is that bravery?). And yes, panic is exactly what I did last week after hours of downloading and installing things onto Mac here, only to learn that doing so made him much smarter than his co-worker, Epson. It took many more hours of downloading and installing to bring that laggard Epson up to speed.

During a lecture by psychologist and author Glen Slater on Technology and Soul a few weeks ago, while Slater talked about the "singularity point" approaching-where computers become as smart as people, and "can think like human beings"-I found myself writing, "When so many crushing, unsolved problems on this planet can be attributed directly to human error, why in the world would any intelligent machine want to think like more like a human being?" down in my notebook.

Unless we find ways to hang onto our souls during this upheaval-which started back in the Industrial Revolution has hasn't stopped yet-unless we find ways to re-animate life-which was historically tied to a particular place and the creation of meaningful things by hand-when computers reach the singularity point and begin to spontaneously generate their own science fiction, human beings will be the bad guys.

The perpetual scholar type, with lifelong interests in comparative religion and analytical psychology, Kay has a Bachelor of Science with Honors from Portland State University, but considers her real education to be 18 years of private focus on the human shadow. When not reading or writing, she's outside gardening on 3 hilly, wooded acres near Portland, Oregon.

To learn more please visit:

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There's No Comparison

This Is Your Life

I was 30 years old and sitting in a counselor's office contemplating the next chapter of my life, having recently decided to get divorced. Elaine (the counselor) commented that she had observed it often took about six years post-divorce to be ready for a serious relationship again. While on one level I was at peace and looking forward to a fresh start, on another level I had an overriding feeling that could be summed up in three words: I'm so behind.

Elaine smiled with understanding and offered these reassuring words: This is your life, no one else's. Right in that moment, I got it. How was I behind? Was someone keeping track? Elaine was right. I could bemoan how my life looked on paper compared to someone else's at this snapshot in time or I could look at my life with curiosity and wonder. I could respect how it was unfolding as uniquely mine, bumps and all. I chose the latter.

Eyes Straight Ahead

Olympic coaches tell their swimmers to keep their eyes straight ahead. You only lose time if you glance to the left or right to see what swimmers in the other lanes are doing. When your eyes are straight ahead you can focus on making your personal best.

Kelly, a client who coached with me last year, had a significant breakthrough once she realized how much her habit of comparing herself to others was holding her back. Here's how she describes it:

I believe I finally got rid of the "shoulds" in my thinking, as well as comparing myself to others, and also learned that most decisions I make do not have to be permanent and final. These lessons learned have felt like a giant weight being lifted off my shoulders and I am able to relax and enjoy the process of discovering/developing my purpose and passion each day.

Think of how you love your friends, foibles and all. In fact, some of their vulnerabilities are what make them even more endearing and precious to you. The same holds true when you allow yourself to fall in love with your own life.

A Rich Tapestry

What if there were no such thing as being behind, a late bloomer, or having to play catch up? Opt out of that game and instead, see your life as a rich tapestry of unique moments, insights gained, scars earned, courageous acts, lessons learned, love given, and extraordinary gifts exchanged. There is no comparison to your life's tapestry. It is extremely rare and one of a kind.

This Week: For any challenge you are currently experiencing a downsizing, stressful situation at work, a breakup, illness, or anything else that could be perceived as a setback see it as a significant part of your life's tapestry and notice how this colors your outlook.

"I must Create a System, or be enslaved by another Man's; I will not Reason and Compare; my business is to Create." William Blake

Copyright (c) 2011 In the Current

VIRGINIA KRAVITZ, Career and Life Coach, founded In the Current to serve accomplished professionals who want to move boldly in new directions and start living with a greater sense of joy and abandon. Ginny's e-zine, published every other Tuesday, is entitled Current of Life. Visit at:

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Finding Your Wisdom Within

During my Advanced Passion Test Certification Training I was fortunate to spend some time with Michael Beckwith in some relatively intimate settings. Michael is an author and visionary, and Founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center in Southern California. This man is one of my heroes. Why? Because he is one of the most amazing, clear channels for Divine Wisdom I have ever seen. He knows how to put his "small self" in service to the Big Self and let the Big Self come on through him clearly and powerfully. If you ever have a chance to see Michael speak, definitely go!

Michael Beckwith is a wise man full of wisdom. But how do I KNOW that? How can any of us know real wisdom from plain old psycho-babble B.S.? The only way we can KNOW it, is because it's in US too. The reason anything Michael says makes sense and "rings true" for me is because I have that wisdom in me too. Michael will even say that. In fact, the best spiritual teachers will always say something like this at the beginning of their talks, "I am not going to tell you anything you don't already know. I am simply going to be the vehicle that re-minds you."

Here's a nice analogy for this: picture two guitars sitting next to each other. When you pluck a string on one guitar, the corresponding string on the other guitar will start to vibrate. It is "resonating" with the vibration that is "already in it" as potential. It is then "activated" by the external source. This is what happens when someone is giving voice to a truth or wisdom that already resides in us, but just needed a little "coaxing" to come into our consciousness.

Where does real wisdom reside and how we can learn to coax it into our awareness? If it's true that we and Great Spirit are one, then we need look no further than right here, right where we are, to tap into divine intelligence, wisdom and guidance.

In our western paradigm of living, we are accustomed to thinking of intelligence arising, or coming from, the head. Familiar terms like "Use your head" and "Get your head in the game," exemplify this way of thinking. However, what science has discovered in recent years is that intelligence actually exists all over the body - and that in fact there are neurons, similar to those in our brain, that exist in the heart and as well in the stomach. The new field of neuro-cardiology has called this bundle of neurons in the heart, "the heart-brain."

Studies have shown there is more communication going from the heart to the brain, than from the brain to the heart. The brain does not run the heart - in fact, in a fetus, the heart is formed and starts pumping before the brain is formed. And if you know anything about heart-transplants, you'll know that a heart removed from the body can continue to beat with no connection to the brain. There are also neurons in the gut - we're all familiar with "gut instinct" - but we haven't really understood it until now. So there is wisdom, insight, and intelligence we can access from other parts of ourselves. However, we have to pay attention, and this is the key.

There's an old saying "The longest journey a person will ever take is from their head to their heart." While it's only a foot or so in actual distance, why do you think it may be the longest journey a person will ever take? It's because the head wants to run the show. The head can be so dominant and loud with its fear-based warnings, worries and concerns that the subtle aspects of ourselves (like our heart-based messages) get drowned out. You just can't hear them. This is why the heart, or your deeper body-based wisdom, got the name "the still, small voice." It's quiet and unassuming, waiting for YOU to choose to hear it.

Think of the mind, or your head, as the manager, and think of your body, and especially your heart, as the leader and the visionary. Without a divinely sourced vision, the manager (or your head) is just spinning its wheels doing busy work. Your mind is there to serve your heart. However, most people are so in their head, and disconnected from their body-based wisdom, that their head is dysfunctionally running the show. This imbalance is the source of much of the suffering people experience in their day-to-day lives... and it does not have to be this way. This is why I became a Licensed HeartMath Provider. The HeartMath Institute has created the best path I have ever seen for bringing heart-based wisdom alive in life. It's a practice, and HeartMath has shown the way.

Through the heart you can access WISDOM, far beyond what your head alone can access. (In fact, I will go so far as to say that no true WISDOM arises from the head at all!). When living from the heart there is a tangible experience of being guided by and serving something far larger than your self (small "s"). This wisdom could be called God, Infinite Intelligence, Great Spirit, or Source. Ultimately it cannot be labeled. Nonetheless we can have a direct EXPERIENCE of it, through the heart, and ultimately through the entire body itself.

Try this:

Connect with your body and pay attention to the messages it has for you. You can start right now, right where you are by simply using your breath. The breath is an incredibly powerful instrument for cultivating awareness. Because of this, many spiritual traditions use the breath as a cornerstone in their practice.

Sitting comfortably in a chair, put your feet flat on the floor, place your hands on your lower abdomen, and breathe deeply, down into your abdomen, so that you can feel your hands moving outward as your lungs fill with air. While forward is the most obvious expansion, see if you can also feel your lungs and abdomen expanding downward toward your pelvic floor and sacrum, backwards into your lower back, and sideways into the lower part of your rib cage. Do this at least three times then notice how your experience of being alive changes. How does your body feel different from before doing this? Notice if your thoughts have changed, and perhaps your emotions, too. Have fun with this and do this simple practice throughout your days.

Your body is a wise and well informed teacher- literally the wisdom of the Universe resides inside. By consciously choosing and cultivating your practice of listening, you can bring this wisdom alive in your life for more peace, power, and Mojo!

Roger Kenneth Marsh is a Spiritual Life Coach & creator of the Major Good Mojo System. He has an engineering degree, MBA, is a Certified Life Coach, HeartMath® Provider, and Passion Test® Facilitator. Get his book "NexGen Human" on, and FREE CD "3 Keys to Major Good Mojo" at

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Challenge Chance Not Change

If you want to be a creative genius eminent achiever then you will have to take risks, and you must be willing to take chances. My grandfather used to have a very good saying; "show me someone who has never failed, and I will show you someone who has not only never succeeded, but probably hasn't ever done anything at all." A creative genius eminent achiever is someone who changes the way things are done, and it is generally someone who thinks like a child, but grows up as the unreasonable man.

If you are unfamiliar with the reasonable man quote it goes something like this; "the reasonable man molds himself to society so he can fit in, the unreasonable man molds society to his view of the world." Now then, that's not the exact quote, but it's the way I see it, and what it means to me. And I must say to that line of reasoning and philosophical thought; I do agree. If you are afraid to fail, you cannot succeed, and you will never get from here to there, or accomplish great things in this world or the next.

You must challenge the unknown and challenge chance. You must not be afraid of change, rather you must welcome it. Failure is not an ending point, it is a starting point, that is to say; it is a point at which you can start to reflect, understand what you've learned, and take that new knowledge forward now you have new parameters to challenge. In my life I have had failures, but I never thought of them as such. Rather I chalked them up for experience, and moved on, realizing there was a lesson in there, something that other people had not learned, because they were too afraid to go for it - too afraid of failure that is.

There is a very good song by Mary Chapin Carpenter titled; "I Take My Chances," and there is a line in the lyrics; "I take my chances, every chance I get," and I hope that you will perhaps go onto YouTube and listen to that song, so you can better understand what I'm talking about. There are lots of lessons I have learned, that you may never learn, and there are many lessons you may never learn yourself because you are afraid to take those chances.

I would submit to you that you need to throw caution to the wind a little more often, and take a few more chances and learn what it takes to be the creative genius eminent achiever. Do something great, not only for yourself, but for the rest of humanity too. I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 24,500 articles by August 24th or 25th will be difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off now..

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How Do You Trigger Self Healing With Sound?

Sound that is in the form of pleasant rhythms like music has been used by many people from ages ago for different reasons. It has been used for entertainment, praising and also providing a healing feeling and sense of relaxation. One example on how people use sound to help them healed is the Tibetan singing bowls. They use this by creating vibration patterns to help you relax and correct your breathing like sort of a meditation. Among of the benefits you can get from this are, it relieves you from pain, stress, chronic fatigue, and depression. It also helps improve your sleeping habits.

Music that is of certain tempos can be used to induce or provide a feeling of relaxation and even enhance healing. People like musicians use music to spread joy, love and other feelings and when fed to the human brain, it manifests through the body and actions. Different sounds can be used to trigger different things and healing is definitely one of the unconventional means of how sound affect us. Healing with sounds needs an absolute kind of rhythm and tone. It is not just any other typical music you can find anywhere so that it can be successful.

Since soothing music helps one relax and even lower their heart beat from being less anxious, anyone listening to it can do what they are doing easily and efficiently. For instance, surgeons who perform certain operations in major hospitals choose music in different list of genre like ballet, jazz, classical like Mozart, opera songs, or orchestra before performing their operation. This ritual by the surgeons helps them to be more in relaxed state and become even better at handling the procedure involved. While for those patient who are about to go through operation with anesthesia, by listening to a certain sounds in soothing musicals has been learnt to only require half a dose of the anesthesia. Sounds great!

Sounds have an impact on how the mind behaves and makes the body translate to it. Sound has been used in several therapeutic contexts and it has been discovered how certain tones and rhythms of sound can enhance overall health, vitality and clarity to someone's physical and mental wellbeing. Some research reveal that people who are working in the office has reduced stress levels and enhance the brain function in an optimum way. It is because of a certain music they play in the office which has certain rhythmic pattern and tones. Some use sounds to help them heal their sickness. By listening to the recommended audio by medical practitioner, it will help you relax your brain and entire body then eventually helps you heal your ailment or discomfort.

Healing with sound can be very effective and successful if the right tone and rhythm is applied for the right condition. It helps them trigger the mind and brain to provide certain state that can help them achieve the true sense of healing which is peace through one's well being and better health. What should be practiced? First, we should know how to identify the problem to get a correct treatment or method suggested in by the sound. Then once the right tone and rhythm is achieved, one can easily be healed and feel better.

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How Do You Measure Up?

"What gets measured, gets managed."

Are you familiar with management guru Peter Druckers's famous quote? Here's my version: measurement motivates.

That is, the simple act of paying attention to something inevitably leads to improvement in those areas - and often without noticeable effort. I love this story that Tim Ferriss, author of The Four Hour Work Week and himself a tracking fiend, tells about Phil Libin, the CEO of Evernote.

"Phil had tried diets and exercise but it was inconvenient, it took time and he'd always regained the weight. He decided to see if there was a lazier way. He simply weighed himself every morning and created a spreadsheet with a graph in Excel. He had a slope going from where his current weight was, to his ideal weight. The graph also had a maximum allowable weight line and a minimum allowable weight. He would weigh himself and see where he was on that graph."

Guess what: Phil didn't consciously try to improve his diet or get more exercise. But the subtle effect of awareness on thousands of tiny subconscious decisions led to him losing between 30 and 50 pounds.

In Better: A Surgeon's Notes on Performance, Atul Gawande writes: "If you count something you find interesting, you will learn something interesting."

When he was a resident, he began counting how often surgical patients ended up with an instrument or sponge forgotten inside them. Although it didn't happen often - about one in fifteen thousand operations (phew!) - when it did, there were serious ramifications.

With a little more sophisticated tracking, Atul found that the mishaps occurred predominantly in patients undergoing emergency operations that revealed the unexpected (such as cancer when the surgeon had anticipated only appendicitis). This led him to work with some colleagues to come up with a device that could automate the tracking of sponges and instruments.

It's also important to measure something important - to you. For businesses, it may not necessarily be the bottom line. In Start With Why, Simon Sinek hares the example of Bridgeport Financial founder Christina Harbridge, who wanted to create a different kind of collections agency.

Rather than using the typical harassing tactics, she believed that people would respond positively when treated with respect and integrity. So instead of incenting employees according to the amount of money they collected, she rewarded them based on the number of thank-you notes they sent out. Ultimately, she created a culture that valued and listened to individuals - despite the fact that they owed money.

So, what are you going to track?

Productivity: How often do your team meetings start/end on time?Work-life balance: How often do you leave the office by 6:00 pm?Effectiveness: How many cold calls does it take to make an appointment?Health: How many nights do you sleep eight hours or more?Finances: How much money you spent?

Let me know how it goes. I'll be waiting to track the results!

Peak performance specialist Renita T. Kalhorn is a Juilliard-trained classical pianist with an international MBA and a first-degree martial arts black belt. Leveraging the power of "flow," she helps entrepreneurs and corporate professionals to achieve extreme focus and reach the top of their game at work. Subscribe to In The Flow, her FREE monthly newsletter and receive a complimentary copy of Find Your Flow! 21 Simple Strategies to Banish Tedium, Reduce Stress and Inspire Action at

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Dare to Be Great - A New Perspective

One of my mentors, Charles J Givens (best-selling financial author), often talked about his relationship and friendship with Glenn Turner. Glenn was an outstanding leader and marketer in the 1970's. Glenn's motivational and inspirational message changed the lives of thousands of individuals. I had a chance to meet Glenn on a couple of occasions, even having dinner with him. His message in the 1970's was just valuable now as then. In life you have to Dare to be Great!

Be greater than the obstacles in your life. Be the victor not the victim. Challenge yourself to be more than you ever thought possible. To dream, and take action to live your dreams. An inspiring message. If you get the chance you should listen to Turner's audios, or read his materials. The message can make a huge difference in your life.

Dare to be Great is wonderful message. Inspiring and motivational. If fact, I believe to be GREAT you have to follow the D5 strategies:

Dream. In these economic times, you should dream more not less. Whether it is your business or personal life, we all need some inspiration. Dreams motivate us to take actions. Dreams inspire us to action. Dreams can keep you going, when times are turbulent and life gets you down. Dreams should not be put on the shelf, but live with us each and every day.

In many cases, I have physical or visual representations of my dreams and goals in life. Whether it is lifestyle, finances, status, family or just fun, you can find all kinds of representations around my office. It might be a picture on the wall like "maximum horse power" to remind be to work harder than anyone else. I might be a small toy typewriter on my desk (to remind me about author status). Or any of these icons: dice, a castle, match box red Porsche, a million dollar bill, brass horse, or picture of family at the Atlantis hotel. They all keep my dreams and goals in focus and remind me daily.

Decide. Many folks dream and even day dream, but never actually decide to make them a reality. In my travels I talked to thousands of folks that want to make a fortune, start a business, or improve their lives. I often ask this question, "What are doing today to get to that goal". Many times, I hear "I don't know what to do, or I am waiting for...." Man. Start. Decide and begin. Does not matter where, just begin. You will learn along the path.

Decide you are sick and tire of being sick and tired. Decide you want to make the next 10 years, better than the last 10 years. Decide to quit, drinking, smoking, drugs, over eating or whatever is holding you back. Your life can change in a moment. The moment you decide to take a new action or direction. A better path. Decisions are glorious.

Dare. You have to dare a little. Dare a little capital. Risk some time, and energy. Risk looking foolish or making mistakes. Dare to make your life a masterpiece, not an unfinished painting. Dare to be Great!

Do. Nothing happens unless you take action. Many folks make wonderful plans, and never take a step. I know really smart people that know what to do, but never make the phone call. Never read the book. Never get a mentor, or take a course. They know what to do, but simply let fear hold them back. I have a very simple belief system when it comes to fear, take a step. Move forward, a key to success.

Drive. Your drive, or determination will keep you going when obstacles get in the way. And they will. What is your drive? Is it giving more to your family? The need for personal achievement? Fear of failure, or embarrassment? Giving more than you receiving? Faith? A higher-power driving your behavior? Whatever the reason, keep the drive alive. Keep it passionate. Keep it in mind. What is the burning reason for you to take action and live your dreams?

Hi. My name is Jim Francis. I would like to create a financial miracle in your life. I have had the good fortune to spend time with 50 plus millionaires and 2 billionaires. Each of these MENTORS, gave 2 wonderful gifts. Number 1: Philosophy. Number 2: Strategy. Each are equally important. After studying with them for over 2 decades, I created the Millionaire Matrix. A vehicle for financial freedom. Specific strategies, in business, real estate, investing and wealth protection that can make a major difference in your life.

Take a step today, by enjoying one of my strategies, and then visit my web sites.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Make Life Easier and Read More

If you are reading this article, then you really want to make your life easier. Most people don't read because they have some underlying reason for not doing so. Some think it is cumbersome, others don't have enough time and then there are others that are not able to read. No matter what the reason there are plenty of tools and avenues for a person to read if they know how and even if they don't know how.

If you just pick up a magazine, newspaper, book or search the computer you will be surprised at how much knowledge you can attain. Reading is a major achievement. The public library is available for free if you can't afford to buy any of the devices mentioned. You can borrow reading material from a friend or relative.

Find out what you like reading by finding out what interests you. Reading will become effortless if you read about things you like to do such as:hobbies, crafts and collecting. By reading about topics that spark your interest, you learn more and become experienced about that particular subject or area. You will spend more time than you realize by broadening your capacity to read every chance you get.

Reading increases your self-esteem, knowledge and awareness. You become more involved in the world around you and it makes you want to accomplish and do more. You may have a specific goal you would like to reach, but the only way to achieve it, is to read and acquire the knowledge in order to make that dream or desire happen. The scope of your ability to read and understand can only be done through your aspirations to do extra and go beyond.

Many people have a busy and hectic lifestyle. Most everyone have a little spare time.

If you have a child, read to your child.
If you attend bible study, read the bible.
If you have a break at work, read some work related material even though you may not want to.
If you are taking a bath, read a magazine.
If you go to the park, take a book and read it.

Try to set a goal to read at least one piece of material each day and eventually it will increase to more than one. By reading one book a month you can and will reach goals you never attained before. If you think one material to read per day is too much, then set a goal to whatever suits you best. The bottom line is to read. Never give up and do not set limits on yourself. Strive to make life easier by reading more.

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The Magnetic Pull of Your Thoughts

Have you been reading the news lately? This week has been a tough one for the economy. As a small business owner where everything depends on me, it's hard to not feel a little anxious at times. But what does anxiety get me? Only more anxiety.

If you're feeling the money pinch right now and have fears about paying the bills or worry about what one broken A/C unit or trip to the dentist might do to your fragile budget, let's take a step back right now and retrain your brain!

Scientists have proven what people have instinctively known for centuries. Your thoughts have a physical impact on your body, and what happens in your body has an actual effect on your energy. What you think in your head DOES have an effect on what happens in your life.

Your negative thoughts are like magnets that can attract all kinds of things you don't want. It's the Law of Attraction at work. But, if you change your thoughts to convince yourself that you will be okay, that you have what it takes to become prosperous, that you deserve to be prosperous and have a picture of who you will be helpful to when you are very prosperous, what you attract toward you will change.

So no matter what is happening in the world at large or in your personal life, apply these quick tips:

1) Make a choice to think upbeat and positive thoughts. This will help you to look for solutions to problems instead of dwelling on the downside.

2) Focus on your long term goals. Where you want to be in the future is more important than where you are right now.

3) Do one action item today to help you take a step toward one long-term goal. Maybe it's researching what type of special training you'll need to get, or how to self-publish that book you are writing. Any action item toward your goal will change what you attract toward you.

Change the magnetic pull of your thoughts to ones of prosperity and see how much it will lift a weight off your shoulders and clear your head for solutions. It really works!

I challenge you to share with another person one thought you're going to choose to change today. Not only will it help you to hear yourself say it, but the person you're sharing it with will most likely appreciate your insight!

Copyright (c) 2011 Kim Schuld

Kim Schuld is a nationally published writer and speaker who spent over twenty years in politics honing messages on complex issues. Kim now uses her talents to help people see through confusion to pinpoint problems and solutions, and to find their heart-felt callings as a life journey coach. You can find out more about Kim by clicking here

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Monday, September 12, 2011

The Art of Letting It Go

"The Art of Letting It Go" is one particular thing that I have haven't yet mastered. But my individual experiences in life have made clear to me certain lessons that have allowed me to discover my potential in a intriguing way. Following my intuition. I suggest that we all have an innate ability to sense situations. It is truly is our sixth sense. Dogs and cats have it. Animals in the wild have got it. Most scientists would call that instinct.

We all surely have an instinct to recognize when a situation is bad or wonderful, including individuals when you first meet them. Whether or not Agnostic or Christian, the cosmic forces of nature or the holy spirit presenting to you. We ALL have this capability. I believe that we are certainly guided by forces out of our control. The Art of Letting It Go is the power to take note and go wherever that intuition is advising you. I also believe however that as human beings all of us have the extraordinary capacity and obligation to do good. Pursuing a raw instinct to injure, or extinguish life is never the eventual plan and this is what differentiates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.

Social Experiment 1

Eye contact. I have just recently become aware that I do not maintain adequate eye contact. Commencing today. Everyone you pass or meet, maintain eye contact with them until they look away. A small hint of a smile will add light to your eyes and convey warmth in the gaze. Even a nod can help separate yourself as a favorable person and not a psycho stalker. Do this for one week.

How much positive human connection did you receive?

Did you ever perceive anyone that seemed unhappy, sad, or pessimistic?

Social Experiment 2

For one week starting today. You will carry out every beneficial intuition that comes to your mind. If you believe you need to take a left instead of a right... don't doubt. Just do. Wake up every day for one week practicing the art of pursuing your intuition, no matter how silly it might seem. This is the ART.

Did you observe any change in the path of intuition, verses the path of resistance and indecision?

Do our daily mental tennis volleys of decisions keep you any safer than following your intuition?

Social Experiment 3

There are no coincidences. Coincidences are by definition "A remarkable concurrence of incidents or circumstances without obvious causal connection." I do not believe that is true in most cases. I think that every chance happening is just that, chance. But if you see a person, or hear about anything 3 times or more in a short amount of time. This is not coincidence, this is not chance. Don't minimize yourself to what "short amount of time" means. Just pay attention to it, and then stick to your instincts. You never know why the "coincidence" is occurring, just be mindful of what it might be. Pay attention to this for the next week, starting today.

These three experiments can be accomplished at any time. Simply start all three now, or break this up week by week. It doesn't matter. It's a social experiment and I would welcome any tips or viewpoints.

I think that people need to step back from the control of life, to one of submission to life. If we "let it go" and allow for it to guide us. Its astounding the alternatives that unfold. I believe some call it "Faith", Others call it "Cosmic Intuition." Either way, don't fight it. Simply float down that river.

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How Do You Respond to Change?

People who take part in my three month With Life in Mind programmes often join because they've connected with my messages about taking care of their mental wellbeing following change and transition. From having a baby to dealing with retirement, from the break up of a long term relationship to recovering from serious illness, we all experience major changes at different times which can have a big impact for some considerable time afterwards.

The Change Curve

In workshops I often talk about the Kubler-Ross Change Curve because it illustrates how we typically go through different stages in response to change. Originally developed from research into the grief cycle by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, the Change Curve really helps people understand that there is a process, and see how difficulties usually occur when we get stuck somewhere on that cycle and need some extra support or guidance.

Here's a very simple story to demonstrate how I went through all these stages in one day.

Last winter I woke up one morning to a thick layering of snow everywhere. I was due to travel over to the Isle of Wight from Portsmouth to do some research interviews. Once I got over the 'initial shock' I stayed in 'denial' that this was going to affect my plans for the day. I rang taxis, the ferry companies and bus services trying to find out how I could travel and eventually realised that nothing much was moving. I then felt very 'frustrated' - this meant I would lose earnings as I work on a freelance basis, and I couldn't understand why everything seemed to have come to a halt. Soon after that I became 'depressed' about the wasted day, I couldn't think what else I would do, it all seemed rather pointless and not worth the effort. After a while I did start to 'experiment' and try doing some other things, then I decided how I would spend the rest of the day and got on with it. By the end of the day I had 'integrated' the change - I was pleased with what I had achieved because if I had gone to the Isle of Wight I wouldn't have had the time to do it.

Now it is possible that I might have stayed in 'frustrated', 'depressed' or 'experimenting' mode for much longer. I could have spent the rest of the week feeling hard done by. If I had been feeling particularly vulnerable because of other much more serious changes I'd experienced, it might have left me feeling very low, dwelling on how I was a victim of circumstance and continually knocked back by life.

In this example I noticed how I went through the Change Curve in virtually text book fashion, and it helped me realise how continual the cycle of change is in all our lives. By understanding and working on our mental wellbeing, just as we do our physical health, we can strengthen our emotional resilience in dealing with change. And by noticing the signs of being stuck somewhere on that Change Curve, we can recognise when it's time to get the help and support we need to move on.

Carolyn Barber, Bsc (Hons), CQSW, is the founder of Wayfinder Associates, a social care training and consultancy business specialising in team development, independent supervision and staff wellbeing. As a serial social entrepreneur, Carolyn has developed community based programmes to promote understanding of mental wellbeing using positive solution focused approaches.

Carolyn has over 30 years experience in social care as practitioner, trainer, researcher and manager, working across public, voluntary and independent sectors.

GSCC registration no: 1074227

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