"You can't control, what happens to you, but you can control, your attitude, what you in the happens you will it, mastering change instead of allows to master you."-Brian Tracy
While going through a crisis no matter what it is; lose your job, dealing with rejection, always about heartache, recovered from the betrayal, etc., you can feel, as no one can relate to what through and this is the worst thing could ever happen.
And, it may very well be the worst thing you've ever experienced, but there's someone else, which is getting worse as you and are still goes on the pieces of their lives to pick it up and moves on.
If you think you have it bad, and you think that your loss is insurmountable, just think, if you lived where taken of the tsunami disaster in Japan; how you would feel then? How do you want swept aside in a matter of seconds your whole world?
If you feel bad about your loss or you feel, how would feel bad about my life you, if you lost everything, the precious to all people including was loved you, your home and your entire existence? And then about your loss as like you have threatened my life with radiation falling out? It is as if your whole life than you knew, that it is gone, and you think that you feel is bad?
I'm not trying, discount, but what I'm trying to do your feelings put it in perspective for you. and perspective is, that you have so many more blessings to you that you are taking for granted, because you are focused on a bad thing in your life. If you think you have it bad, there is a lot of people who would love to trade places with you.
That is, why is it so important to be thankful, switch your focus from what in your life is, what is right. You have at least things, are the right ones. If you in Japan where you would make? What would you do, what could you do? You have look at your life and ALL of your experiences both good and bad as a part of life.
You have to believe that not only will you have your 'tragedy' survival, but are a better person for it. You need to know is that to pass this and will pick up the pieces of your life and move to have a good life. It is your choice whether you can live a person or situation, as you are, to define the rest of your life.
Dwell on the you can past how bad it is, or how much you are hurting, or how unfair all is or you can begin to heal and put the situation behind you now.
What happened yesterday on and you can cry about it, whining and see it or you can begin to rebuild your life and your hands and knees and thank God/Allah / your of higher performance for all your blessings received.
If you think you have it is bad that is not of what is happening as you let go of. You refuse to look forward to a great life and instead you stay engaged in self pity and you are in your very own self-inflicted, emotional tsunami drown.
So let the drama, stop crying over spilled milk and instead of riding the waves of life by letting you destroy them. No one said it would be easy, but what is easy to torture, even if you don't have to have?
Want to learn more stop you on your time and start life your best life now. Susan's website. Susan's work inspired people from all over the world to take back of their power! Learn the secrets in her new book: "the 7 keys to the unlock the power within you." All decisions we make every day, why not apply to the decision from immediately a better life?
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