Thursday, July 21, 2011

Soul meets living - the true source of satisfaction and fulfillment

During my ongoing exploration and development co-founder Michael Murphy a few weeks ago I was at a Conference of speakers of Esalen. Michael is a modern day pioneer in the study of human potential and this universe we are in life. A real inspiration! The Conference was "integral transformative practice and the development of the soul."

What is "Evolution of the soul?" The Webster dictionary, the definition of evolution is: development; a process of development or change; a movement that is part of a series. Yes, that makes sense. A development, a process of development or change, a movement that is part of a series. One could say that evolution is the process of the development of the soul in and around the world.

How is go the unfolding of your soul? I think this is a pretty important issue.

In my experience can be long-lasting happiness (joy) and true fulfillment only from your soul. This is life from the inside to the outside. You start with which your compass to navigate of the terrain will your soul - this is your personal within for your ideal life - your life and the life, this is the most fulfilling for her. Trying to lose weight, get more money or have better relationships - as large, as these things are - lives of "outside in." This means, try, within with something in the world "outside" fill an empty. You feel good for a moment, then you will experience next... never the satisfaction that you really want to the next thing and the next thing, and that.

I recently tweeted a quote by Robert Collier "success is the sum of small efforts repeatedly a day, day out." The key is to the success to focus, you really want your efforts to create and experience - your soul desires. Tap to you in this place of desire, you are by the one thing to the next like a hamster on a treadmill, never satisfied. Until you are tapped into your soul desires are at straws like losing weight, more and more money or have access to better relations.

How do we know what will our soul for us? How can we live, which deeply satisfy spiritual life filled? Now, there are many aspects, but in this short article I will be one of the most important parts: follow your bliss. This is the direction we have often heard from author and teacher Joseph Campbell. Unfortunately, it is rarely appreciated or truly lived.

One of the keys to know what it wants your soul for you in this life is to eighth, and things that you enjoy! This can not simply to be first, how many of us have gotten very well in the "hard work and suffering to survive and feel deserves." However, we can start selection of activities, which offers the largest probability, or chance, providing the experience (the people, the places, the talks and words that you use, the ideas, the actions, the impact and the results in the world, you in environment are, as a whole and as well as the two the current and possible monetary rewards, etc.) have at least some pleasant Aspect(s). As you do this, if you practice this again and again the fullness of your happiness over your entire life as a beautiful flower come will unfold.

I would like to emphasize and support this idea of "Following your Bliss" and engaging activities, where you can experience the most joy. Joy is filled life. And what people want most on this planet (including itself) is life-force. The more you represent and are a channel for life-spirit, the more you to others - service you will want to you what they are the most and need.

This is the key to success. A channel for ever, and access to, what people most want: life-spirit force. To do the most powerful way is to follow your very own bliss. Is not the divine? And here's another reason your bliss - follow if you do, you will be unstoppable. Another word for joy and bliss, is inspiration. If you are inspired, you are connected to the divine flow and intelligence of the universe. Their personal energy is optimized, solutions and ideas come to you "from beyond" and your overall experience is amazing. If you are inspired, you have "spirit in"- and if you have spirit inside you bring spirit and life force energy to others.

This is working out your soul - this is soul-filled life. The person who operates from the soul and allows their truth flow through them is inspired in the deepest sense. Such a man or a woman is a rare and valuable gift for all of us. When an is touched by the spirit, some of this authentic place, we are all affected. It's like something in the physical world, who came and provides the beauty, mystery and magic of the metaphysical world view.

Everywhere, where success and pleasure there inspiration. You can success without joy and inspiration, but you can have pleasure without success, because pleasure in and of itself is success! So, you're going for the success of "Hope for the joy" or are you going for the success of the hope for the joy? If success in a sense material for you is important, I suggest to do both. Follow your luck with a plan for manifesting material success.

Manifestieren the soul of desire is a long-term partnership with spirit which unfolds over the course of time. You are the instrument that plays universal life force intelligence. Mother Theresa explained it thus: "We are all the pins in the hand of God's love letters to the universe." What is your love letter to the universe? What God wants, to write you and your life? YOU know the answer only.

Try this: looking back on the experiences in your life and you will see your "theme of joy" - thread running through all the experiences that moved, if you recognize you to them in the first place. What is the common "thread of joy", that you each of these roles and experiences in your life loved? These are huge references to your soul purpose and wishes for you in this life.

Congratulations! You are closer to a step type in your soul wishes for your happiness and experience the true joy, satisfaction and the Mojo, you want!

Roger Kenneth Marsh is a spiritual life coach & creator of the major Mojo system well. He has a degree & MBA, is a certified life coach, HeartMath ® provider & passion test. His book "Nexgen human" on & free CD received "3 key to major good Mojo" at

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