Wednesday, July 20, 2011

You're going 6 tell-tale signs to fail

Okay, so you have an idea or a claim or a goal. Why are you here right? This is why you read blog after blog, book after book, tell how you can improve or you can reach the life "really want to."

I have not all of these answers. I'm not you. And I am not all-knowing or all-knowing. But I can point you in some useful directions. I can also try to navigate away from not helpful directions. And the is, in this post what I to want to focus.

You see, we all want to go somewhere. We all want to achieve something. Perhaps we want to start a business, a professional musician, become athletes and artists. Or maybe we want a career change or looking to partner, or be more happy.

These are all worthy objectives. But how many people do you think they really have?

Probably very few. Why? Because it would be valuable if they were so easily available. Let me repeat that different: our goals worthy objectives, if they are received free of charge.

So what is the? It means that our objectives of work take. And it means that it a high risk of failure. Chances are, you will fail. This is not as pretty or uplifting to hear, but this is reality.

So let us some things that could lead to the failure, so that we avoid it in the future more can be aware of.

1. You are looking for a quick solution.

This is the largest event is located in the game of life. Everywhere we are magic pills and secret plans to success is offered. All we have to do is the color of the lines and voila! You are a fucking superstar. That is, until you actually everything, what do you say... and nothing has changed.

Answer: What for someone else does may not for you work. All improvement takes time and self discovery.

2. You make it only for the money.

Money is an innocent thing. It does ' get a spirit. And it is not evil. There are only people who make it a devil or God. The paradox because money is that it is only for those who need. It is an afterthought. The youngest billionaire Mark Zuckerberg had never all intentions of making money when the Facebook. He wanted only something "cool" to do something, people enjoyed. Money came afterwards.

Answer: If your main goal is to make money, and not how you provide value, often find you financially to fight.

3. Your self-esteem is too fragile.

There is no way to success without obstacles on the way. It is not only faced difficulties, but the self-esteem or self-efficacy, to overcome these difficulties. Self esteem means not artificially promote your ego or your friends to brag, but I able and resourceful in times of uncertainty.

Answer: If the feeling not able you to overcome challenge, you're stuck already itself for errors. Pay attention to self-talk as, "I want, but I can't."

4. You define not your values.

Have you ever tried to achieve a goal, without really knowing what was the purpose? Maybe you had a "rough idea" or you thought "why not a shot in the dark take and see what happens?" Many people go where they want to go through life without ever defining. You expect that things in her lap fall without ever exercising their free will or right of self-determination.

Answer: If from point A to point B, you know what that really means point B.

5. You are not willing to take risks.

Life is a game of chance, decisions and compromises. It's about weighing cost and use, and to decide which worth are. There is no such thing as have all the benefits without the cost. We must have Exchange value for value and often the more we offer we have more to gain. We offer even more, the more risk we lose.

Answer: Calculated risk is not only about business, it's about life. Learn to be a better decision makers, but understand that always you bring the safest route, where you want to go.

6. You want to work with others.

In your head, you have this idea of the "lone genius" or the independent hero who saves the whole world on his own. In fact we are all connected to each other. There is no such thing as the successful and totally ignores all others.

Answer: It is possible, where we have to advise and help from others. It is is nothing to be ashamed, and you have a it better man at the end.

Steven trade is a frequent blogger on psychology and personal development, the practice, which he sermon. Check more of his articles on personal development out. If you really enjoy his writings also his psychology and personal development newsletter subscribe.

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