Thursday, July 28, 2011

Reaching you, to people despite of your fears

Many people fear what white not, understand it not or not yet experienced, in particular, when it comes to other people. But if you think the contact with other people, including the disenfranchised, homeless, shut-in the or lonely not only for your own well-being, but for the development of the Kingdom of God on Earth, then must you take steps to overcome these fears. And fear of the people is a fear, most people struggle with at some point in their lives. We fear rejection, disapproval or aversion by others. We can find it easy to engage with people the friendly and outgoing are. Or we may not. Personal fears that we have, we cannot proceed through them in the direction of other engaging steps required. Here are some ideas:
Develop a plan. Makes me feel not like you upside down in jump. Start small and slowly in your city or neighborhood where you feel comfortable and at home. Is to confront your fears and despite they act. To identify a person and make a point of engage it by someone at some point in the week, is mail call, a few minutes long with them sitting on a park bench or talking to them in the local coffee shop. Their first interaction with people might only imagine, or buy a cup of coffee or offer them a ride or offer some shopping for them.
Do have people who support you, or to walk with you through this process. Please find contact to people much easier if you do it with someone else or someone else, that you with, from the progress you make or the fears, those you can dialog with to fight, or strategies, which could use to engage with others.
As you try to engage people, try to visualize, what could the other person think or feel, the fears they can with his handling, the circumstances that might be. Try to see the world through their special lens. Realize, that regardless of how it can be displayed, the other person may have similar fears opposite when it comes, engagement with people. This will help you to understand and empathize with them, which leads to deeper and more meaningful interaction.
Most often what want someone who, will be simply prepared without hearing assessment is people. Listen to practice. This is a good skill to develop and facilitate faster to you warm up.
As in all life, actions speak louder than words. A doer not a talker. Authors Alan Hirsch and Michael Frost make some suggestions for how a person in their community in their new book, the faith of leap (Baker, 2011) to integrate. You will say yes to invitations, membership committees and the movers and doers in one place, as well as on the fringe experience.
Not intimidated, by the negative reactions of those that you are achieving. Often people can be closed off, to the influences of others due to their own hang ups and backgrounds, which mean that they respond negatively. Still, no conditions reach linked. Let them know the person of your actions that you are interested in.
Warning: do not put yourself in dangerous situations or dangerous people. Use caution and discrimination when you deal with people. If you go to an unknown area, ask to go someone else along with you.

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