Sunday, July 31, 2011

We live a meaningful life?

We live a meaningful life, or we are in a rut and a life leads us in the nothing? Are we live or we leave just merely existing and what kind of legacy be? These and many other similar questions confront many of us sense our individual life tries to find.

A gentleman came to me the other day you will find below and asked how he could set up a company, with the less fortunate who help save little, he had that. So far concluded he served no useful life and that it was time the he little meaningful action. He did not know that much about business, but he realized that before God calls him at home, he had to do something meaningful. As a financial planner, I was quite concerned about his ability to fund his retirement, let alone thinking in companies, to help others. However, he believed, that a person to fish and will help in the situation, a little longer survival is better than providing a fish for a day just to survive. He said he wanted to make a difference in the lives of others and finally to have in his life.

So, what about us? We are a meaningful life and make a difference in our daily lives by today check, what we have not done that we have done that, should could have really made a difference in our relations with the dearest, friends, business partners, customers, suppliers and many others, that we meet us every day? We regret oral and written in anger, actions, time and money wasted and many other things done, the itself to nothing, leaving a legacy that we have nothing to be proud of. If others suffer for us and in us, it is, we are ready and willing to forgive and forget? Doing is not only a difference in our lives to make, but also serve, have a positive impact of the party, we have alienated those been.

This short article will hopefully come at the beginning many as start my way, make a difference in life by sharing a thought or two, some interesting educational and news, useful business and financial information and tips, and Yes, also links to items of interest to buy or sell, so that we can the decline of the dollar in our pockets lines touch.

This article is written by Christopher Chew. He is a licensed financial advisor and part-time lecturer with a passion to enriching information to share. Follow his blog (

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Do you think you have it bad?

"You can't control, what happens to you, but you can control, your attitude, what you in the happens you will it, mastering change instead of allows to master you."-Brian Tracy

While going through a crisis no matter what it is; lose your job, dealing with rejection, always about heartache, recovered from the betrayal, etc., you can feel, as no one can relate to what through and this is the worst thing could ever happen.

And, it may very well be the worst thing you've ever experienced, but there's someone else, which is getting worse as you and are still goes on the pieces of their lives to pick it up and moves on.

If you think you have it bad, and you think that your loss is insurmountable, just think, if you lived where taken of the tsunami disaster in Japan; how you would feel then? How do you want swept aside in a matter of seconds your whole world?

If you feel bad about your loss or you feel, how would feel bad about my life you, if you lost everything, the precious to all people including was loved you, your home and your entire existence? And then about your loss as like you have threatened my life with radiation falling out? It is as if your whole life than you knew, that it is gone, and you think that you feel is bad?

I'm not trying, discount, but what I'm trying to do your feelings put it in perspective for you. and perspective is, that you have so many more blessings to you that you are taking for granted, because you are focused on a bad thing in your life. If you think you have it bad, there is a lot of people who would love to trade places with you.

That is, why is it so important to be thankful, switch your focus from what in your life is, what is right. You have at least things, are the right ones. If you in Japan where you would make? What would you do, what could you do? You have look at your life and ALL of your experiences both good and bad as a part of life.

You have to believe that not only will you have your 'tragedy' survival, but are a better person for it. You need to know is that to pass this and will pick up the pieces of your life and move to have a good life. It is your choice whether you can live a person or situation, as you are, to define the rest of your life.

Dwell on the you can past how bad it is, or how much you are hurting, or how unfair all is or you can begin to heal and put the situation behind you now.

What happened yesterday on and you can cry about it, whining and see it or you can begin to rebuild your life and your hands and knees and thank God/Allah / your of higher performance for all your blessings received.

If you think you have it is bad that is not of what is happening as you let go of. You refuse to look forward to a great life and instead you stay engaged in self pity and you are in your very own self-inflicted, emotional tsunami drown.

So let the drama, stop crying over spilled milk and instead of riding the waves of life by letting you destroy them. No one said it would be easy, but what is easy to torture, even if you don't have to have?

Want to learn more stop you on your time and start life your best life now. Susan's website. Susan's work inspired people from all over the world to take back of their power! Learn the secrets in her new book: "the 7 keys to the unlock the power within you." All decisions we make every day, why not apply to the decision from immediately a better life?

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How to make someone feel important in 5 easy steps

Knowing how important this particular person give the feeling to make you can someone the attention and recognition that they deserve.

Not all people are born with the gift of words or grand gestures. If you are one of them, the following steps will show how someone to make you feel important:

Step 1: Active listening and respect.

If this person is, they look in the eye and focus on the topic at hand. Try to repeat the bits of what was said, take appropriate action and give a little opinion. Often people only want to be heard and to know that someone cares enough to listen to really.

Step 2: Remind you details.

This does not necessarily mean that all information that makes sense but should remember this person, only the small.

You will learn the feeling like someone important by to find out about her family, friends, work, aims to make hobbies, favorite activities and other interests. Find out, what makes them smile.

You can use this information to make that person feel special and loved, especially when they feel down.

Step 3: Call the person by name.

Nothing sounds sweeter than a person's own name. Calling people by their names makes remarkable and important feel them.

If you are close enough with this person to know their nicknames, use instead. It implies shared a special bond and closeness between the two of you.

Step 4: Enter personalized tokens or cards.

You have to buy any gifts to your appreciation for someone. A great way to feel someone important form to customize the gifts you give by make or you are prepared.

Try this person favorite dish cooking or baking, you this person favorite pastries. Knowing, what kind of music that they prefer, you can make some of them also a playlist.

No matter how simple may be the gesture, if that person can see how much trouble you inserted, it will be greatly appreciated.

Step 5: Give compliments.

There is always something good about a person of a compliment you on. It can be, as this person is looking for, their personality, their performance or even their choice in music. Type never fails genuine compliments, feel special and important a person.

Even more effective is say nice things about someone when they are not around. This gives the perception of honesty, if the message of that person had reached by a third party.

The best place as it is to make someone important the feeling that you express your appreciation in your own small way.

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

What can you do to improve your concentration

Everyone has a different level of concentration, mentality and ability to analyze its surroundings. His way of thinking is dependent on the environment, in which he grew up. Students who are not as good as others, are not boring students with deficiencies, is the only reason for their poor performance, their mentality or concentration, in which they really focus on their studies can not.

People who think that poor grades achieved is now their fate, are wrong. With the help of brain wave mp3 can your storage and concentration improvement only, and achieve a certain mental level, which was not possible before. Usually students with such questions have two types of problems, storing and concentration. In the absence of a student in concentration, is, study material will be boring, and he takes the entire curriculum to go through some serious time. If it is a problem in storage, he has to reproduce to repeat in the investigations it again and again. But if each student manages to achieve a sharp focus and excellent retention, study hard and always no problem through research. Students with this combination will be a step ahead of the rest of the world.

Most people around the world do not know that this is possible, have can change where it this combination by brain-wave mp3 only, to bring the functioning of your brain, it to the next level. You can swallow the fact that list on certain beats the functionality of their brain and helps the concentration and storage can change. In fact its possible where brain waves are binaurale beats generates. This binaural beats have interesting powers which change frequencies to which brain works. These beats are aiming, designed a specific job and can be used by brain-wave mp3 only. This beats optimize the brain on the right frequency, which sharpens the capabilities, where you focus properly, and keep you course material better.

Concentrate and distractions concentrate without blocking on books or a specific task requires and if one of the human spirit in a reasonable State of concentration, the subconscious begins absorbing the information comes. If brain waves are aligned to specific frequency, it optimizes the concentration and storage, thus a valuable impact on students. Such a State of mind can only be achieved by listening brain-wave mp3. MP3 format can be used with many devices and mobile phones. Copy the files in your favorite device and listen it on the road. You need to not time to find, however, exercises that increase mental functionality.

Brain waves mp3 are excellent for students, as it helps in increasing the concentration and retention. Listen to correct beats helps to reduce the stress level and makes the students much more relaxed. Some brain waves to increase motivation and IQ scores while others are made to give a relaxing and peaceful sleep.

These various beats offer participants who change best chance for their opinion and quite violently to only focus on their studies of brain wave mp3.

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Life balance

Life is indeed with a variety of stories and events, filled daily with different set-backs, fighting, excitement and challenges. These stories and events can be an inspiration to greater heights, or it may only continue to cause discouragement in life. So it is necessary for a person to realize what is important and what is not in life, in order to survive this roller coaster ride known as life.

A balanced life is very crucial to the life make useful and pleasant. A life of work, work and more work will only result that a stress end is finally a person affecting health and even happiness. A life of only game, game and will play on a relaxed life, resulting in a never-care-less, or lead a rather unstructured life. It is therefore important, that it a balance in our daily lives.

After a balanced life, would not have thought a 50 per cent work and 50 percent of the game every day. Also a person who may have a full-time job yet lead a balanced life. Only the right combination or integration between work and leisure time is required. For example at work, you are also able, some form of relaxation as play some music of interest, a break for a while take a SIP of the coffee machine or also within walking distance of the Office-Gasse to the breathe air take part. You make think that it is a waste of time, but it certainly helps you in managing your daily work. A full-time job requires of course a full time commitment and responsibility towards any work given. If this is not taken or adopted in the right way, it will eventually cause a person to stress due to the pressures and stress transmitted. Therefore, only a minute to relax mind is enough, so that she can take a break from the hectic last work. Perhaps surprise you, what a minute can make a difference in your life.

But so is not to promote, set free time as the main focus in life. Leisure is essential, integrated into a balanced life, but it is not the core of life should be. We should be aware that we have in a direction of our own self or the people around us, especially for our families to do every day with the reality. Leisure is an important tool for a get together among friends and families, the bond with one another, to strengthen, which helps compensate for bust our daily schedule. It makes sense once we have trips with them in a while as every day, because only then estimate the time for two know.

Therefore is the most important element in the search for balance in life to find the proper integration between work and leisure. We should know what to live this life, every day become more meaningful in life and work to achieve is essential.

LaWanda is a speaker and life coach with a BS in psychology and an associate's degree in divinity, which helps people to find a better balance in their life and cared to delete them in their own personal path to prosperity. Also certified believe therapist, LaWanda uses her training and life experiences, adults often overwhelming cope with living conditions help.

Teaching simple, but effective personal development strategies, their coaching programs focus on relationships, health [physical and mental], finances, time management, stress, self-esteem and overall life-balance.

For more information, please visit

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Friday, July 29, 2011

You hit that up if you suffer a setback?

Have you suffered a setback recently? It is still haunting you? You wondered, why the setbacks are sometimes so painful?

We are creatures of success. It establishes us. It has us naturally comes. Our brain wired so that, if we have a clear set (and I my crystal clear) objective, our brain will do what it takes to achieve this goal, for us. That is the case, why it is that we sometimes suffer a setback?

Why we do not and a setback suffered is a different conversation between us. I would like to write about today is what to do (and what not to do) if we suffer setbacks in our lives.

Let me with you brutally to be honest.

If we suffer set-backs, the most immediate feeling is one of anger. This anger has it roots in the fact that we creatures are the success. If we perceive us as fails because of a setback, we are actively against our nature to be successful. Finally, I hope that you agree with that it will fail not in our nature. It is in our nature to be successful. If we can be successfully executed against our nature, arises our anger. Anger in itself is not something bad or something to worry about. It is something like constructive anger it reinforces our adrenaline and pushes us harder and more (if you know how to use anger to your advantage).

Anger becomes destructive, if we do not know how you can manage it.

One thing I have learned to manage anger is that we it somewhere to channel. If we design deliberately does not draw it our anger will find an own channel (and it's not nice). The direct and normal way, that our anger even to channels, it directly to us and we do, by even guilt. We begin to think that we are hopeless on things and if it happens often enough, we are starting to look at ourselves as losers and failures. We begin to think that we are the ones that caused the setback.

One who follow zerstörerischsten is our anger (on us) to beat us. I beat up (literally) ever. Sometimes can be so serious, that I would beat my head against the wall or even my own fist use my anger against me.

If we do not beat us up, another Canal, which is to direct our anger against someone. In most cases, this is a poor soul, the the brunt of the anger is someone close to us. You look at your favourite and questions you, 'they were the channel for my anger when I suffer a setback?' It hurts when we realize that they have been. So, now is the time, begin to learn how not to do.

Now I don't have to tell you that you beat up itself is not a strategy that leads to success. In fact, there is no growth. There are no learning indeed and probably it will happen over and over again. I have a lot of ways to handle things if we suffer a setback and one of the ways that I here is part is finding a channel for your anger and one which is the simplest channel anger it discovered.

To express, it can sometimes just by someone say ' I 'be made happen angry at what straight." I find that even the simple terms my anger constructively can go a long way to the channel. Other options includes write it or even say it according to me.

What to do, whatever you choose is way you express the goal here and confirm that upset you are. Many people set up anger be a bad thing. It is only if I stop viewing anger as a "bad" feeling that I was able to express it. You just accept that you feel certain emotions and not, judge emotions as good or bad. Emotions are neither good or bad. You are just something that you experience.

If you begin to channel your anger constructively start feeling peaceful. And you don't hit themselves (or others) and more.

Setbacks are an important aspect of the growth and success. Without setbacks we don't really know how far we can go. The most successful people in the world are successful, not because they learned to avoid such setbacks. Instead, they learn how to recover from it.

It is a skill that may be able to master any case.

Right channel of your anger and stop you Spank. If you learn how to properly channel the rage, setbacks is a learning experience and be the cause of many findings as well much of your Wachstum.Es is to be a beautiful day, when you realize that the setbacks probably were the best, that happened to you.

Copyright Reza Ali 2001

2011 Reza Ali. All rights reserved.

Reza Ali is author, speaker, seminar leader and coach, who is in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Through his workshops, articles, seminars shall talk and his take on coaching programme Reza change and how we change can use to achieve everything we want in life.

For more and other content value, please visit his Facebook fan page, Reza Ali fan page.

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Are your passion, when searching or quietly rebelling?

Let us slightly just before we go further. You are where you are, at this moment and that's great. The first step to life is your passion identify what's really going on. Often our colleagues and relatives only want the best for us and make suggestions that they think us will support. Everyone has an opinion to which they are entitled. Their task is to examine, how their proposal may or may not support you in finding your passion, do what you love and get you where you want to go in life.

But what if you don't know? I say, so what, if you know? How it would make, you will feel? You know the answer that you am I safe.

If you feel you are forced to fit a form, the incorrectly, then it is time to explore what finding your passion is to really feel. It's about looking for the thing that do support the "feeling" then clearly put it, for those you. Rebellieren and things do not help to numb your feelings you, find your true bliss in fact, long way he can run it. Start with the question of what you currently do, to find the information that you find your passion.

Family, friends, or universities can tell you that you are good at something, because they see something in you. It doesn't have to mean that you love it or that it comes naturally to you. When they see something in you then I think it would be prudent to explore. For the instructions which will guide you, what you really love to do.

You can play the piano well be, but not to practice and teach. It would be easy to think that you hate the piano. If you took the time to explore how you can really feel about the piano can be found, that you actually hate the piano love but you classical music to play. Wow, could explore then all, which would result in the different styles of music to which you, that makes your heart sing. You could then through the choice between the disciplines to learn classical music so that you could be a better pianist. This would make interesting lessons and practices.

The next step is to express express how you feel people will help you with your decision. You have to understand how you feel, ask only for their support. You might not understand why someone to the swim-up and would like to back, and up and back in a pool all day. Ask a swimmer and they can tell you how exaltiert it makes them feel. You need to understand it, but you can feel their passion and it makes you want to win support.

Understand that people have free will. If for some reason they are not ready to support you, you take it personally. You find someone who is ready, support to find you and your passion fun and exciting to make. You have a passion that burns hot you find a way enough to succeed. If you want to make your career, keep in mind, nothing is there a way to lure. It takes creative, but it is fun and rewarding. Stay committed to finding your passion. Believe in yourself and surround yourself with the people, mastermind, and support your dreams to realize.

Direction for more information on looking after your passion and life use my free mini e-course in the

Passionate - live Karen van Huizen

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

A flight with the death of

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Rat poison into their teacher's coffee slip two elementary school boys
High school boy questioned about gang attack on principal
Female college student raped by football team during a private party
Adolescent gang members carry out execution - assassination on three style people in churchyard

I have only recently begun to talk about experience I had 18 years ago. For some reason I just wanted to keep it to myself, but the events which took place in it are now coming into existence. Initially, I felt as though telling someone would elicit the twilight zone theme in the person's head and from that time on, I would be looked at askance. Heaven knows the world contains enough weird people.

It had been in extremely tiring day. I ached all over from fatigue. Finally I got myself into bed. Sleep what instantaneous. I do not believe I had time to finish whatever it was I what thinking. In my dream, I found myself in a curio shop which actually exists here at Mount Pocono. I'd only been in it once before. In my dream, I was picking up articles, examining them and putting them down. On entering the shop I had come with my husband and daughter, now both of them had disappeared. I thought they probably were looking at something more interesting in another part of the store. My attention was drawn from whatever it what I what examining by the sensation that someone what standing behind me. I turned around and there what large angel a I believe it was a female. I'd never been one for big angels. To tell the truth, ever since I what little I always hoped that I'd never have to encounter any large supernatural being. "Please God I'd say, even as an adult, make it people size." Being a native American we have strong convictions about the existence of spirits

The angel called me by the name Dianne, which is used by only my closest family members. "Come, I want to take you somewhere with me." The first thing I asked, "am I coming back?" because when you get an invitation like that, it's usually a one-way trip and I had a little girl. Of course had the angel said "No," there wasn't of much I could have done, nevertheless I always like to plan in ahead.

"Do you remember me?" the angel asked? I looked for a moment and answered "Yes." The angel questioned "Who am I?", Even in my dream I quivered because the answer was "death." "How angel do you know the asked?" "I know, I answered,"because you were there when I died while having my son."" I asked again whether I what coming back and the angel answered yes. "Just checking," I thought.

Prior to this visit, I'd had a similar experience. I was giving birth to my son. Well actually I was having a caesarian. Obviously that part of what over and I had been placed in the recovery room. Suddenly, I was looking at myself as I hovered over my body. "Gee, I could stand to loose a few pounds," I thought. Then it dawned on me that if I could see myself in three dimensions, I was outside of my body. "Uh oh," I thought, "I'm dead." That's not fair. "I don't even know what I had." I thought, "who's going to pay the bills, and who's going to take care of my baby." Then a calmness spread over me and my attitude became one of "Oh well." I experienced being the perfect temperature. I felt as though I could walk out in a raging blizzard with just the hospital nightgown I had on and never feel the least bit cold.

The next thing I remember is going through a dark tunnel. Amazingly I and a number of other people were being pulled feet first toward the light. As some people have been known to say "brother do not look at the light, do not look at the light." well let me tell you there nothing else. I was there with other people and nobody what talking. Finally I arrived on the other side of the light. This is where I had met the angel who what now going to take me on a second trip. "Do you know where you are?" she asked and disappeared. The only thing I could't think of what, "This must be the suburbs of heaven." In any event, it what's the most beautiful forest I'd ever seen, and there I what alone. My angel had left me standing there in awe. Two women walked in my direction, greeted me and started to move on when I stopped them. "Excuse me;" "I'd like to see Jesus." The women looked at each other and one said to the other, "they're always in a hurry when they first arrive." "Don't worry you'll see him," and with that they continued to walk off in the opposite direction. To my surprise I found myself standing in front of a small fence. A man what headed in my direction. Hey what wearing something on his head which prevented me from seeing his face. I was intrigued and wanted to see if he was white or black. Wouldn't of that have been a laugh if he turned out to be black after all those pictures of him as a white man. No matter how hard I tried, I could't not see exactly what color he was. Now in my old age, it has become totally irrelevant anyway.

• "Do you like this garden?" he asked.

• "Yes I answered, only..." "

• "Only what?"

• "Only I'm not really here." "I'm in the hospital having a baby and I don 't even know what I' ve had."

• "Would you like to stay?"

• "No, I need to go back I have to take care of my child."

"•"All right,"he said, I'll come for you later."

Every morning I get up and I thank him because his later has lasted for 42 years beyond the date the promise what made.

I suddenly found myself in the tunnel again, moving in the opposite direction. There then what blast a that propelled me at a pace very almost back to where I had come from. I awoke in the recovery room. I can't help feeling that the sudden blast which launched me through the tunnel which a defibrillator. You now understand why I had to ask the angel I was whether coming back.

On this second trip, as if by magic we were riding in a chariot. I could look down and see what was happening everywhere in the world at one time. I did not like what I saw. Everywhere I looked people were doing something bad to children.

The first child I saw what a little girl about 11 years old. She what walking down the street and someone reached out and pulled her into a dark hall. She screamed but no one came to help her I gasped at the scene. As we moved along we were drawn into a public toilet in the subway. On the floor lay a two month old baby which had been raped. I cried from the very depths of my soul and moaned as I never have. I had never shed tears like that before or since. My soul what empty. Everywhere I looked children were being harmed by adults. My entire body which wrapped in pangs of pain. "I do not want to see any more," I said. The angel said, "Look down into the bottom of this chariot." "What do you see?" "Thousands of dolls-most of them female." The children were from every nation, but I would say that a good majority of them were from Western countries, judging from their clothing. It what my understanding that these were the children who had died in tragic circumstances. Angel the turned to me and said, "These dolls represent the number of dead children I collect every day." I just stood there in silence. "Now," the angel said, "you know what you have to do." When I woke up, I what still asking her what it was I had to do it didn't take long for me to find out. Within a few weeks I was teaching and working with children of all ages and all types of disabilities.

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Reaching you, to people despite of your fears

Many people fear what white not, understand it not or not yet experienced, in particular, when it comes to other people. But if you think the contact with other people, including the disenfranchised, homeless, shut-in the or lonely not only for your own well-being, but for the development of the Kingdom of God on Earth, then must you take steps to overcome these fears. And fear of the people is a fear, most people struggle with at some point in their lives. We fear rejection, disapproval or aversion by others. We can find it easy to engage with people the friendly and outgoing are. Or we may not. Personal fears that we have, we cannot proceed through them in the direction of other engaging steps required. Here are some ideas:
Develop a plan. Makes me feel not like you upside down in jump. Start small and slowly in your city or neighborhood where you feel comfortable and at home. Is to confront your fears and despite they act. To identify a person and make a point of engage it by someone at some point in the week, is mail call, a few minutes long with them sitting on a park bench or talking to them in the local coffee shop. Their first interaction with people might only imagine, or buy a cup of coffee or offer them a ride or offer some shopping for them.
Do have people who support you, or to walk with you through this process. Please find contact to people much easier if you do it with someone else or someone else, that you with, from the progress you make or the fears, those you can dialog with to fight, or strategies, which could use to engage with others.
As you try to engage people, try to visualize, what could the other person think or feel, the fears they can with his handling, the circumstances that might be. Try to see the world through their special lens. Realize, that regardless of how it can be displayed, the other person may have similar fears opposite when it comes, engagement with people. This will help you to understand and empathize with them, which leads to deeper and more meaningful interaction.
Most often what want someone who, will be simply prepared without hearing assessment is people. Listen to practice. This is a good skill to develop and facilitate faster to you warm up.
As in all life, actions speak louder than words. A doer not a talker. Authors Alan Hirsch and Michael Frost make some suggestions for how a person in their community in their new book, the faith of leap (Baker, 2011) to integrate. You will say yes to invitations, membership committees and the movers and doers in one place, as well as on the fringe experience.
Not intimidated, by the negative reactions of those that you are achieving. Often people can be closed off, to the influences of others due to their own hang ups and backgrounds, which mean that they respond negatively. Still, no conditions reach linked. Let them know the person of your actions that you are interested in.
Warning: do not put yourself in dangerous situations or dangerous people. Use caution and discrimination when you deal with people. If you go to an unknown area, ask to go someone else along with you.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The 5 steps to instant happiness

You know, what is the definition of happiness? I looked it up. It is a State of peace free from fear and emotional disturbance. Seems like a simple, basic explanation. Not too complicated.

So happy to be you need to achieve peace, peace and emotional balance. How we do this to? Now, we see people who we believe to be happy. The right of a few people in my life I think the I being love around. They seem to always centered, booked, but never stressed.

The traits happy people have in common, I have noticed, is himself a great feel. What does that mean?

People who have a great sense for themselves are people who accept themselves, mistakes and all. Means not, they're not interested in self improvement, but they choose this to live in the present, and that's where happiness lies.

You know yourself. Knowledge itself is know what are your core beliefs, what your values are, what are your likes and dislikes, and finally you are passionate.

Happy people go to predict problems not of their daily lives. You are not having panic attacks or expected bad news. Life is not always smooth sailing, Lake still harsh, but there is an ebb and flow, that is to be expected as part of life. Happy people are.

What isn't luck. It is not about money, material possessions, or ego. It's not about power or fame or glory. It is a feeling of peace and joy which comes through spirit and nothing else.

These 5 things to do to be happy now.

1. Accept at present. Not down the road, if you weight lost or found a great job, etc., but right now. Treat now, with love and respect.

2. Take action. Well, today, you write some ideas, goals, dreams, and only one action step toward them. No matter how small the step is. Every day doing this, you get it from, the "stuck in a rut" feeling immediately.

(3) Every day think about what you are grateful. Is happy spirit in the State of which intellectual gratitude brings you in a frame.

4. Give love. Show your love how are important to you. The words "I love you", are the most important words, what, you can say. Touch... in a big is embracing second.

5. Return. This is really important. For other things to do. Service. Fallen from the smallest, in reality he spent volunteering a few hours. Nothing will bring you more joy as a service to others.

If you sincerely action now find happiness. Start working on these 5 major steps, and you'll be amazed at how great your life will be.

Hello. I like to write about relationships, spirituality, health and ageing. If you have enjoyed reading this article, please visit my website.

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Create a positive self-image in 5 easy steps

How to create a positive self image can be very difficult. Sometimes we are surrounded only by too much negativity, that reduce us - too much stress, problems, responsibilities and so on.

Low self-esteem keeps us do things we want to do and the achievement of the objectives we set ourselves that. We go through life thinking about things that we should not be feel bad about us and to.

These 5 simple steps, build a positive self image.

Step 1: engagement in positive self-talk.

We all talk with ourselves and on a spiritual dialogue lead. It is important that we in the light of what we tell ourselves; Since more than often, it is not what we believe.

When first even bring down will not help in building a positive self-image. Instead, be your own worst critic, confirm and encourage themselves.

Step 2: Accept error.

Everyone has flaws and makes mistakes. You agree to sign up for your weaknesses and shortcomings help you, go to the role focuses on those more-, your strengths.

Instead of beating up for things that you cannot change or control, you spend your energy on maximizing your skills and abilities.

Step 3: Recognize you services.

They are no matter how big or small, your services are concrete memories on your self-esteem. Their triumphs and services detect, you can understand that you are important and if you put your opinion on it, there is nothing you can not do.

Step 4: Spend time with people who have a positive attitude.

If you are constantly around people that you bring only down, a positive self image can be the building very difficult (or nearly impossible).

Certainly there are people that love you, you and care for you. Choose it to be around. Not only will she help you they will also feel good about yourself, you support in managing and improving your limitations and weaknesses.

Step 5: Treat you nicely.

You deserve to be happy and to feel good about themselves. Treat yourself a compliment or reward you with little treats.

Not even too much pressure. Keep in mind that not everyone to enjoy. Their sense of self - your personal opinion of itself - is what matters.

Yes, can it be difficult first. It may take a while also. Note that it is a process. If you make mistakes along the way, to forgive themselves and encourage you to continue.

How to create a positive self image always starts from the inside. It is always a conscious decision. Choose to love and accept themselves.

So that you can achieve your dreams in record time, I want instant access to more than 100 of the best free self improvement eBooks that will strongly could transform your life! Download for free on

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How you create confidence in yourself

Positive thinking tips

Want to focus on your goals to achieve, can every day? You want to keep good mood and generate enough energy to continue in the direction of your dreams? Would you like to feel rejuvenated and conquer the world on a constant basis? Thinking how you feel when you just heard a great presentation, read an awesome book, or one great film seen to? Are you ready to climb the Everest or sell ice to the Eskimos? But the next day or a few days later, melt away the enthusiasm. This is when you need to apply positive thinking to continue.

Here is a how to, that rocket your positive mood, help you focus and generate high motivation. I've used this method, to open and use positive influences. It has helped me catch would on ways that I have missed and would never understand.

Choose, followed by a one-month mental Detox. You stop watching TV: broadcast news; violent, cynical or pessimistic shows; News fear-mongering etc.. If you need a steady diet of everything, what?

Disable the radio you, except when playing great songs or music and without unnecessary bad comments from the radio host. Or better, sing your heart out and hear the birds or the wind. You will be surprised.

Reading prose inspiring you 15 to 30 minutes at breakfast you set in the past for the day.

Get in some practice or more of it to do yourself. You go places instead of drive, Park further away, and go a little. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. If you have a gym, great, you do it.

Avoid the company of negative or pessimistic people. If you have absolutely to meet them, you reduce the time. The less you see them, you are the better way.

Choose your relationships so that you have a pleasant environment of the people, the friendly and positive in life are.

Drink plenty of alkaline water. It helps to release toxins, which are in your body.

Take 15 to 30 minutes per day to check, your goals, what to do and what you are grateful for. Take you this time really to find out where you are on the rise and where you lose. Strengthen the actions that have a positive impact and the removal of those who do not contribute to your efforts.

If the above consequences which promise you I'll watch an amazing difference at the end of the month. Track your successes in a journal and appreciate your refreshing positive attitude and blossoming self-confidence.

Amélie has dealt with a lot of people from all walks of life. It is learned that know the primary tool to success, is to be treated as relations with frequency. It is also found out that a positive attitude in life makes the difference between a winner and loser. If you're interested in reading more about self-confidence and positive can remember you at the going to

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Outside the bubble

If you don't know that you had a problem - would you?

Every day we read and hear people telling us how bad things get and how much they get worse. What, if you do not hear you not and went just about your way happy in the know, that was moving your life forward as planned and on-demand.

No television, no radio, no newspapers, no Internet, tells and shows shocking things that can find them, get you the most attention always, your attention; to required feel talking to loudly in a quiet room, or someone who needs your attention, like a spoiled child. Insist to sell their emotional drug - you need not buy it!

The Republican party is full of people, which are all racist and hate all the trade unions.
The Democratic Party is full of people that hate anyone with money and hate all companies.
Is the fuel and the oil companies are a conspiracy, do something for all of us poor peons.
It is our duty, as country fight wars anywhere - it doesn't matter, the WINS - only to fight.
Women hate men to keep them below men hate women forever more like men.
Black hate whites and Hispanics hate black and take the Chinese in the world.

-Hate hate hate-


What if all the doom and gloom is a form of mental illness, the over - a society accepts, if it loses its way and "available, there is" to arrest your attention and control.

What would happen if you only residential - enjoyed took walks, watching the sunrise and-Untergang always unfolding every day never the same, different and miraculous change.

If you moved 30 days from the part you play in/on the stage of life and the weight of the company - lived outside of the play for 30 days - deliberately avoided, could come back to the madness of the piece? Should you?

It is as if the carousel rotates faster - shake off all attempts

Try, life outside the bubble for a month - it will not be easy and you can tell that the world is really crazy, and there are very few people links that are not affected


Author - Todd Thompson

Todd is the owner of the physician services group, LLC PhysicianCVs, "Doctor speak!" and the doctor talking insider
He writes blogs and articles about all things doctor and can be found on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and other sources ezine - it personal interest also writes articles from time to time

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How to make everything in your life - really!

One of the things I noticed now am, showing up in the popular "you can change your life and have everything you want" news, is a confirmation that he takes time and Mühe-, which you cannot simply "it it wishes." They have actually born action and PARTNER with the process to take, and there in the world. You can change the world not without first change- and change itself is something that happens one step at a time, usually in the course of time.

One of my mentors, Fabienne Fredrickson, says the universe always answered and meet your needs - but not necessarily in the way that you think that it is. It shows generally as an opportunity, take some small steps that the fulfillment of your request will lead you in the direction. Can such issues, and then make sure you to possibilities is that you say yes to, and appropriate actions. This is how it works. NOT questions, questions, questions and sitting on the couch waiting for it end up in the womb.

Real change requires a transfer from your old ways. Place the new make you showing up, you comfortable habits.... must release of old, and that the rule will take some time. This is really hard, if not impossible to do on your own. Therefore structured programs where you systematically engage in partnership with a coach or mentor, a procedure are so useful in the implementation of the changes and results in your life you want. Without the structured process and the power of partnership, we tend to stay in the same old and get the same old results.

Have you noticed that life has a certain inertia to him, and when you press in fact, tends them to do so, a bit push back? It is called homeostasis. In her book "the life we get" (Tarcher Putnam, 1995), George Leonard and Michael Murphy point out "body, brain, and behavior have a built-in tendency to remain unchanged in very narrow limits and snap back if changed - and it is a very good thing that they do." It is, what keeps running smoothly along your body and all its systems. The bodies are working very hard to maintain homeostasis and keep things balanced. Homeostasis is the natural resistance to change; It is the tendency of the universe, stick to the status quo.

This does not mean that things will not change; Things are always changing. You change one step at a time in the course of time however. And as you your way for growth and development of travel you are definitely in this naturally occurring phenomenon. Helps you to identify the mechanism, if it appears to know about it in advance and considered still on the way to choose. Transformation can happen in an instant, but usually not.

Here is how it goes in General: we start unconsciously incompetent. At this stage of evolution, not we know what we don't know. They run away our lives without our awareness of our unconscious habits and patterns. We take advantage of and interaction with the world as we see it, and "this is just the way it is."

Then, as you clarify your passions and start your personal vision involved, you will move into the next phase: conscious incompetence. You are now always aware what previously did not know you. They are now about your incompetence in a particular arena and the unconscious habits and patterns, you are getting your life in ways know run as they are, want no longer you. Although this phase can be somewhat painful, it is an important first step, because the things that change or want to develop have moved from unconsciousness in your consciousness, can you see now, begin to work like them and with them.

In the course of time more and more aware how your unconscious mind have run habits and patterns of a lifetime, and you create your ability, otherwise, select move to a new phase of development: conscious competence. This is a great place to be, because you now when you select and create your life, your new skills with empowering authentic decisions (rather than unconsciously react), are responsible and therefore experienced success in such a way that you planned.

It is important to note that most of progress and "work" between these second and third stages takes place. Take a step back forward, two steps, and two steps then forward, a step back. You bounce back and forth between your incompetence and your skills until you finally develop stability: your old habits and patterns are losing their grip, while take your new skills, and you are able, competent in a new, deliberately powerful way to create my life.

Finally move four phase: unconscious incompetence. You will use so competent to believe the new skill and your new convictions, that the new skill or competence, finally, is "just as things are." At this point it moves in your unconscious mind. This is a big stage, in, because now you can experience yourself and your world consciously selected and created, have basically on auto-pilot goes. Whether health, wealth, love and peace, these new skills and competences are deep part, who you are.

Simple, common examples of this process are learn to tie our shoes, brush our teeth, or learn to drive. All of these things at some point in our lives were difficult for us to do. But now we automatically without it a thought. You are literally programmed into our subconscious and our ability to do these things is "it's so." This also applies to other "way of being" and have beliefs be learned and practiced over the years, whether or not authorization are.

If you are on your hero's journey step and your embrace unique passions, purpose and mission start, you will find these places in itself ready for transformation and evolution. Note this model and they are better able to stay on the way and create the Mojo that you want.

Try this:

Ask yourself: "what wants to change or create in my life now?" Write the things in the sense to come. To know that the change in the course of time usually happens one step at a time, then, questions, "I am you really prepared to do, what it takes, to these changes, I want in my life?" If the answer is Yes, congratulations, you are companies on an exciting journey. And if the answer no, that is fine too. It means only what you want to not really, you want what or, you can really not right now the make change. You honor anyway, yes or no, your truth.

Congratulations! You are a step closer to your life change, create, what you want and access your Mojo!

Roger Kenneth Marsh is a spiritual life coach & creator of the major Mojo system well. He has an engineering degree, MBA, is a life coach certified HeartMath ® provider and passion test ® facilitator. Get his book "Nexgen human" on and free CD "3 key to major good Mojo" at

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Monday, July 25, 2011

House clearance is good for the soul

There are things in life, which can be small, but have a huge effect. A small change in your life can really make a difference. So if you get stuck feeling in a rut or needs a fresh start make a small change and become a positive effect on you.

What small changes can you do, to have this effect? You need to find that your daily routine and your environment.

Change your diet can be a good way to start. If you could have the most healthy nutrition in the world then that be enough to things change and you feel great about themselves. The introduction of bits of new food here and there and make it your daily food is easy. If you are missing something in your diet then something this gap food find, more fish, fruit and vegetables. It sounds boring, but there are many different foods out there that are mixed and can be interesting.

Please change in your routine of the rut. Go early to bed or get up earlier. Sessions at the gym or some home to introduce exercise. All small changes will make positive changes. If think your drive on foot if you or a bicycle can use.

You directly affect all of these things. Healthy dining, or change your routine can be sometimes difficult to do for some people. It is something else you could do that can be great for the soul. Why not try a little of the House clearance.

Enter your home really good game will affect you in other ways, then you think. If your House is full or junk-e or if you a room that sort some attention then why not need you them out.

If you have a troubled past this good for you to be. You can things that remind you when your where younger and clearing systems from something what helps the healing process. The reason is, clearing out will you pass on memories to confront, as you go through a lot of stuff and reliving some memories. As soon as you got rid of some stuff it have it's faced almost like you have focused on these memories, (if must be) and then got rid of them. The memory should never be forgotten, but you feel like you, that a have sorted out and one can move.

That was the more serious cases, but only with a clear out is good. How its have to do a fresh start and you satisfaction of it yourself. The phrase 'neat home, tidy spirit' is so true.

So even if you do one thing, why not give your home it out clearly deserves and the benefits for you.

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Intuition: Turn up the volume

"Trust." "You know more than you think you do." Dr. Spock.

Dr. Spock was on something. No one knows better than you. Yes, I said it. Now I am not from a place of ego or narcissistic proudly. What I'm talking about is Intuition-, that internal voice, which gently pushes you or gives you a swift kick from time to time.

On this journey of life of our intuition is the ultimate guide and it is never a day. Instead we time way of listening, but our intuition will never gives up trying us directly.

Why is the inner voice so difficult sometimes hear? It is in many ways for people who tell us what to do, dictate the onslaught of media messages, to have what or how drowned out to his and our own self sabotaging beliefs. Unknowingly, we choose the voices come with us as the one in us the choice. Somehow, we subscribe to the philosophy that what we think is good, but what others believe is ten times better.

When we check out and transformation of people, "Sheeple"? Just like sheep can a herd mentality, we follow the amount or the latest Shepherd announce the all-knowing way are excluded.

Earlier I have guess my intuition always second. The result? I stayed in situations and relationships, which reinforced the fact, so was I constantly for less accounting. I lived a life of expectations rather than a life, the I in the property.

Instead of listening to my intuition, I became a master negotiator, me to convince that it was not so bad, or maybe just to emotionally I was. I voted from my intuition, because I always thought that others knew better than I. I was an avid supporter of the latest trend, guru, and quick-fix in the hope that it would fill the empty inner in me. I try not only to keep up with the Joneses, I moved with them.

The first step towards the "sheeple syndrome" be heard not only my intuition, but act on what it said to me. I finally broke from the herd and took possession of the back of my life.

Have you second guess your intuition lately? What was the result?

I urge you to recognise and hear the inner voice in you. It is always there. It is up to you to make the volume.

Allyson Spellman is the founder of the unleash your voice. You is a freelance writer, speaker and empowerment dedicated to redeem helfende coach women and unleash your authentic voice - according to boldly and unapologetically.

It is also the creator of "sheeple reform school" designed to people from living with a herd mentality, by the amount and inadvertently undermine their own identity and voice.

Learn more about Allyson and sign for their free voice of salvation newsletter visit!signup

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Thoughts: The real reality TV?

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The 'reality' that we live in is made up of many different parts. There is the physical environment that surrounds us, the people we interact with, the relationships we have with those people and our environment, and of course there is ourselves. The emotions we feel when we respond to other people or our surroundings colours our reality. Our body and how it interacts with our environment, such as feeling cold or pain, adds more definition. And our mind and its thoughts definitely help define our reality; some might say they create our reality. Which of these elements do you think create yours?

If you are a Matrix-aficionado, or a Buddhist, you might think everything is only in your mind; that we create our own reality. But what about the tangible evidence of stubbing your toe on the couch? If you follow Sufi thought, then you may explain that this reality is real on its own plane of existence, but that there are other planes of existence operating on completely different definitions of reality; yet, each plane is real unto itself. There are many different ways to explain reality, and each can be argued as right or wrong.

There is a short experiment I would like you to try in order to help answer this question. All you need to do is relax while you visualize a scene in your mind's eye. As I take you through the scene, I would like you to play it in your mind as if it were really happening. Set your mind free to explore and allow yourself to go wherever it takes you. So, sit back comfortably, take a few deep breaths to relax yourself, and when you're ready, read on:

Imagine that you are walking through the park. It's a lovely, summer day. The sun is gently shining down through the trees and making pleasing patterns on the grass. The grass, the trees, the flowers, all seem to be freshly painted with bright lively colour. You are pleasantly warm. The wind is blowing gently, so you don't get too hot. It is calm and serene. You can hear the leaves rustling in the trees. Some squirrels are running and chattering nearby. You breathe in the fresh, invigorating air: it is bursting with the fresh fragrance of spring flowers. From yonder, the pleasant smell of some freshly baked bread greets your senses. Nearby, a butterfly floats by and lands on some beautiful, vibrant flowers. You are feeling at peace in this beautiful place, with not a worry in the world...

Now bring your attention to yourself and try to appreciate how your senses and emotions are responding to the above imagery. Take your time, and keep breathing nice, slow and deep as you continue to visualize the scene above and notice your body-mind's response. How are you feeling? Is your pulse racing or calm? Is your body relaxed or tensed up? What kind of thoughts are you thinking?

Now let's go back to the park...

You see a wooden bench on the grass ahead and decide to sit down. You sit for a moment to take in the beautiful scenery. All of a sudden, the wind shifts. You are washed over by the putrid smell of rotting garbage that makes you want to puke. You turn to your right and see an overflowing can of garbage just a few feet behind the bench. As you shift on the bench, it squeaks; a large startled rat jumps out of the garbage and scurries across. The next thing you know, a low deep growl comes from behind you. You jump around quickly and see a huge doberman pinscher creeping from behind a tree, staring right at you. Its frothing lips are pulled back as it growls, exposing its long, sharp teeth. Shivers run down your spine as the smell of the dog's breath reaches you.. Before you can react, the dog shoots towards you...only to run by the bench and chase the rat into the park. Still quivering from the experience, you breathe out a sigh of relief and get up to leave. As you stand, you feel the pull of gum on your pants. You don't need to look to know your favourite pants may now be ruined...

Now, bring your attention to your body-mind again. How did you react this time? Was your pulse still calm or did it start to race a bit when the rat jumped out from the garbage? How about when you saw the dog? Did you body get tensed up? How did you react when you smelled the garbage? Did your stomach churn a bit? What about sitting in the gum? Did it upset you or make you groan in a bit of exasperation?

In the first sequence, everything was lovely and calm. You saw butterflies fluttering past and squirrels playing. The smells were pleasant: bread and flowers. The sun kept you warm, and the wind made sure you didn't get too hot. The patterns on the grass and the vibrant colours were pleasing. In the second scenario, you encountered one unpleasant experience after another. First the smell of the garbage, then the encounter with the rat, and then the dog. While the dog didn't come after you, it appeared to be looking straight at you (although, it was probably looking past you at the rat), and you didn't know what it might do - a frightening situation. Then you got gum stuck on your favourite pair of pants, and we all know how frustrating that can be.

Through both of these scenarios, you may have noticed that your senses and emotions reacted in some way. As you imagined the sun shining on you, you might have felt a sense of warmth and comfort. When you smelled the bread on the wind, you might have started to salivate a little. Alternatively, the garbage smell may have made you recoil. Perhaps you felt a little adrenaline rush when the rat or dog entered the picture. When you stood up, did you feel the sensation of the gum pulling on your pants? You might have felt a sense of disappointment knowing that you had sat in gum.

What is interesting about all of these responses is that they occurred solely in your mind. Did you actually smell any of the smells? Did you actually see any of the animals? Did you really experience the sensation of gum pulling on your pants as you stood up? No. It was your mind that made the experience real for you. Outside your mind the experience did not exist. You see, it is possible for your mind to create a reality, an imaginary reality, and your senses and emotions start responding to it.

How is this useful in our everyday lives?

Sometimes, we fall into the trap of believing that an imaginary reality created by the mind is actually real. The accompanying emotional and sensory responses make it all feel very real to us, but in reality it has no existence outside of our minds.

The stimuli for such imaginary realities to be generated in our minds are variable. Most often the stimulus lies in negative past experiences. Perhaps it was a bad relationship; or perhaps it was an accusation of failure, or a betrayal of trust, or being ridiculed etc.; the list can go on. Past experiences are great fodder for the mind to influence our perception of the 'true reality' and create imaginary ones.

At times, our own unhelpful thinking habits can colour our everyday experiences in negative shades.
At other times, we may be going through a particularly rough time and unwittingly allow it to influence our mind to such an extent that everything else starts to appear bad as well. Again, an imaginary reality that feels real.

Years ago I was in a stressful relationship. I was pretty happy with my work and usually left in the morning in a good mood. On the way home however, I would think about my boyfriend and all the things that I thought were wrong in the relationship. My mind would churn over and chew on every slight. I would go back to the beginning of the relationship to rehash any bitter words and any occasions when I had felt injured or slighted in any way.

Can you imagine how distressed I felt by the time I got home? I'd enter and barely say hello to my boyfriend, much less look at him. How could I want to hold any conversation with someone I'd just fought with for 40 minutes?

Finally one day when I came stomping through the door my boyfriend said, "Why do you always have such a scowl on your face when you get home?" I remember flinching when he said that. I thought, "How could you not know?"

Then I realized it: how could he know? I had been fighting with him in my head, not in reality! I was interacting with my perception of him, not the person in the flesh. Yet, after an extended fight in my head, I was so wound up from my emotional responses that I could barely think anything positive about him.

That was a life changing moment for me. Suddenly, I realized that instead of taking an objective view of my situation, I was allowing the movie in my head to be my reality. Instead of communicating my concerns to my boyfriend, I was superimposing my own script over the situation and ignoring anything that didn't fit with the dialogues and interactions in my head. What needed to be done was a serious discussion with my boyfriend about why I wasn't happy in the relationship.

Letting the movie in your head dictate your life instead of objectively seeing reality is very common. Here is an example. Have you ever imagined yourself attaining a goal, but you hear a little voice in your head saying you (probably) can't do it? You try your best, but you aren't surprised when you fail. Why did you fail? Was it a lack of ability? More likely it was the underlying belief and self-talk that you would not achieve your goal which hamstrung you. You hoped you would succeed, but saw yourself failing in your head (then in future scenarios you recall this occasion further reinforcing your belief of not being good/talented/[insert adjective here] enough.

It is always worthwhile to step out and analyse the movie in your head. This movie is really just a form of self-talk and holds clues to the 'reality' we are living, whether it is real or imaginary. My example above of arriving home angry after a fight in my head is an imaginary reality, but the anger I felt was very real and the resulting negative interactions I had with my boyfriend were very real.

Over the next week, listen to how you are talking to yourself and watch what the movie in your head is playing. Pay careful attention to the words you use and the images you show yourself. Are you telling yourself that you are or aren't good enough? That you do or don't deserve it? That you can or can't achieve that goal? Is your inner movie playing scenarios of future failure or success? Or is it showing a never-ending highlight reel of the past? Is the highlight reel positive or negative? What future expectations are you seeing?

Now that you are aware of how your mind can switch between the past, present and future, improve your concentration to get better at watching your thoughts. The complimentary e-book "The Power of Concentration" from has easy exercises to improve your concentration quickly. Get it now!

Amanda J Mirza is a writer, teacher, wife, and the publisher of the weekly newsletter For The Whole Woman available at

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

What is the image?

What is image? Most of us, when we think of our image, as we think about what we look like, the clothes we wear, and as we have our image hair style, but when it comes we our internal and external image. Our internal image is what we ourselves think, while our external image is how we present ourselves. Thus effective change one's image it is important, the internal and external images to meet, because it is a combination of both, our big picture and how others perceive us.

Our is internal image or even image into the world of words, but what I like to call our expressive behavior, which, as we do, our confidence, attitude, and other body language signals, we can use to express, what happens in our body and mind. Trading with poor internal images often on wise, that are harmful to the health or to achieve the goals, leads often to a pessimistic or inhibited Outlook on life and the world.

Our external image is generally what everyone of thinking, when they think of the image. Our external image is the visual impression we give to others. It consists of our physical appearance, our clothes, hair and skin, all that is visible to the naked eye, when people first look at us. It is easy to change and manipulate, and gives us the ability to change the perception, more precisely the way perceive others us, and sometimes the way we perceive ourselves.

The hair on our shoes can we about us manipulated and changed, to change the perception. Actors and actresses us this as a way to love us or hate, not only they, but the characters that they represent. Executives and sellers use their appearance, to trust in their clients, edit their appearance a subtle, create more successful and talented and able instill perception. Even makeover shows her audience TV show as it be easy, our external change not only, change how we perceive ourselves, but manipulate how others perceive us, only by our performances.

Change to the external image and expects it to change the entire picture is the equivalent of affixing an Association of a wound, and expect that Act to be enough to cure it. But as we all know, if we we apply a wound cleanup attempt, antibacterial ointment and set then a bandage over it must want to heal effectively. Therefore, if we are to create changes in our overall picture, it is necessary, not only the external image address, but also the internal image.

Catherine e.p gray is President & founder of inside to outside beauty, LLC a full service image consulting firm based in New York City, the clients their personal and/or professional image targets to achieve, by allowing all related aspects of the image.

Visit for more information about beauty from the inside to the outside and how they can help you or your company to achieve your entire image please

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Can choose between yesterday and tomorrow

Some of us live in the past. All we do is connected to our past. We think, Act and speak in terms of our past. We rely on our past to our identity and our direction in life. We blame our past for haunting us and make us feel less than we are. We who were guilt in our lives everything that we did not like, and how how, we live in today. It's easy to blame the past because the past cannot be changed. It's easy, others blame since we not even blame or for decisions that we are held to account. It is easier to blame others itself instead of us. A victim of our past takes no effort on our part. Best way is to sit back and does nothing for our lives.

Sometimes, not us may seem just to get the past experienced our childhood. We focus on the negative feelings and emotions that we saw and we get stuck there. What makes us believe that it is in order to make our lives our last control? We take our weapons and give up instead of learning from our experiences. It seems that the child in us will not grow. The child in us loves to throw tantrums. It screams for attention and others will care for the rest of our lives. We have a sense of entitlement, which the world needs to turn us around.There is no such thing as a compromise. We feel it's our way or the highway. We rave about certain things in our young lives so we rant and the lack of this or that. We can feel that we were not enough loved, not enough attention or our siblings, we had everything and we were left out. The list goes on and on.

When will we take responsibility for our own even? Some people never do, but others will get off the merry-go-round and take a stand in to be responsible for their own lives. The level of maturity accompanied this attitude. His maturity means, we recognize that our life is important and it is to us, forward and learn from the past to prepare for our present and future live. We are in our lives. We can either stay in our yesterdays or we can choose to life for our tomorrow. We can bring joy, love and peace in our lives and experience improve. The choice is up to us.

Emotional maturity is not bound to age. It is the purpose of our ability, choices and decisions with a clarity and bound make sense. If we take responsibility for ourselves not we will have otherwise blame anyone for our lives. We appreciate the gift of life, and we take not our lives, for granted. We live our best life by you decide with our intentions, purpose and positive performance in the direction and for a happy, successful, loving and joyful life at the heart. We look forward to Negau looking forward to the experience that make our lives richer and fuller every day, enjoy. Every day is a blessing!

Copyright (c) 2011 Deidre Glendon

Deidre Glendon, MEd: their near-death experience and intuitive insights led to help others and the healing light, trouble in paradise and light of forgiveness to write. To see more statements about peace and stories of healing is visiting their site, and then click light of forgiveness on

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Delivery - letting go of the results

For years, I have used the phrase-, to something higher performance result. I use not only the set; Actually, I thought that I was given. Oh, I talked the language of the surrender, and then I went on my own business, things to do, how I thought that it should be done. If I had a problem, I exhausted any solution, "I could imagine". Yes, I controlled, what would happen next.

Today I heard beautiful speech of a spiritual teacher where he shared his understanding of the surrender. It is easier to demonstrate with a real example. Suppose you have a money problem. Perhaps you're going not in a position, your mortgage this month pay, because you lost your work be. Their first inclination would be run at the Bank or financial advisor and get him or her to give you the money or a break. This is not like the concept of surrender. This is you control how things are to be.

Surrender is all about the result let go and transfer to the higher makes. Use the same example - let us consider how it would play if you leave the problem of higher power.
You are facing financial trouble, and you know that you won't be able to pay your mortgage on time. In past, would you fell out of the Bank to get some advice, where you could get the money, or what are your options. But do not at this time. This time you will become the issue to a higher power to give.

As a person who prays, could pray over him and say something like "father, I am having trouble money - I don't know what you do about it." I am to hand it you going over. "I can not know what to do, but I know that you have much more wisdom than I." Then wait for insight. You can literally - sit back and worry don't go. Put it out of your mind. Create a quiet time - meditate, if you can.

Let's look at another example.

These neighbors have been give you a hard time for a while now. You can put your home on the market and leave the neighborhood. Your first impulse may be run next door and your friend talk, bemoan him, a little and please what he would do in similar circumstances. Is keeping in mind, surrender not have you come with solutions on their own. Run next door and complaints is a friend not surrender - if something complicated the situation even worse.

Give up, as already mentioned, must bring you the performance, let not care about the result, and wait to do inspiration on what is. The inspiration may be, that you could ask a neighbor or a trusted friend for advice. The difference here would be that you are not using the solution - makes the higher has.

Natural royalties is about the things do not control. Surrender works better than control because you can be much more creative than you could have thought on your own solutions with a clear and calm mind. Try it sometime. Let and see what happens.

Debbie Adams is an author, speaker and life coach, enjoys to move inspiring others on their own obstacles in life. Using examples from their own lives, it offers solutions to problems, are the best. In her spare time enjoys spend time with her daughter Alyssa, hiking and gardening. She lives in Nova Scotia, Canada.

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Turn negative emotions into positive action

Are you carrying some negative emotions? Negative emotions can be something, that feels like anger, sadness, loneliness and practically everything else, that most people would like to not feel bad. Be please ever since but the key is, as you would to express these feelings and learn in this article some ways on how negative emotions into positive actions as negative emotions.The happiest, most positive person, you know carries negative emotions. This person sees only so happy, because this person to turn negative emotions into positive action is good. An important point out, before I can be the tips, emphasise that the society in General keeps productivity and order the opposite, stagnation and disorder as negative actions as positive, while. With this said, I really teach you is what will this article as productive to use and not really as they get rid of, because on the one hand I myself am a negative person, and I'm struggling me my your negative feelings into something let go of negative emotions.

1. Use, negative emotions are healthy

I know that sounds contradictory, because we know that anger, has caused contours and heart attacks, malnutrition has caused sadness and loneliness caused mental illness, but please hear a me on this. As always, anger can also a very good motivation to exercise. If you are mad lust not you punching a wall or something? Well you can out actually punch and a good workout out of it something like a punching bag or even the open air. You can do also, bench press, as I sometimes do to release some anger. You can also to do yoga or meditate, if you are sad and lonely, because you may not feel how to go and do something and as a bonus you may be closer to enlightenment or something like that as it received. The key word here is productivity and on a healthy lifestyle is to be productive.

2. Use negativity for musical inspiration

I love the song break stuff by Limpbizkit. For me is a very good song to anger represent. Go right to the point, I would like to believe that the person who wrote the song felt really angry at the time myself. Do you have I heard somewhere belong by Linkin Park? It's a very good song representing solitude, and I'm pretty sure who at the time made the song feeling kind of lonely was. I love Tupac Shakur song hit ' em up and I think it is as one of the most hated songs that I've ever heard close especially the part to the final, where he expresses his undying hatred on his enemies. I am to won not really approved any artists here, but I really these songs as emotional masterpieces and the artist surely much attention and money. My real point here is that you can really use your negative feelings to write songs. Who knows, at the end will you really famous and wealthy artist might? To fame and fortune is be productive.

3. Use negativity for literary inspiration

I've said over and over in this blog before I am a negative person, and this blog is, as I my negative emotions to express. The real angry, sad and lonely side of me is that the entity, I call that Mr.. Hyde and this blog all about me, Hyde tells Mr. is what to do. If I no Mr.. Hyde, I don't have to probably, something to say and I would not be able to share my tips and advice for everyone else, that reads my blog and need some clarification. There are millions of other writers out there who have written about their feelings and made masterpieces, which helped shape the minds of their readers. If you think you have the talent, I encourage you to do the same. Can your own blog and write about all the negative emotions that you feel and also, how would you pass things and who knows? You can turn out to be as a good blogger and perhaps fame win and make money from your blog as one of the things those I'm aiming. Other people is to help and money to make steps also be productive.

4. Use negativity for fine arts

I am so far of the fine arts not really a fine arts expert, and from what I've learned, the interpretations of paintings, drawings, and sculpture can be very broad and diverse. What a painting for a person to another different can mean. As one with Filipino heritage is an example that I can give the Spolarium of Juan Luna, which is the topic of image of this post. The painting is the artist representation of Spanish oppression back in the day. I believe, many other pieces of the fine arts outdoor there inspired by negative emotions. For the Viewer it may be only an other beautiful and expensive image, but for the artist, it is felt that an expression as he or she at the time. To be productive also means that able to create something beautiful.


I know, there are many other ways out there turning negative emotions into positive actions, but these are all I could think of right now for the individual level. I hope, I discussed the options for you, and I hope that you have found some information from this article. Keep in mind that negative emotions is normal since it is part of being human. Each has negative emotions, but the real key to the it is the way you express it. Thank you for reading an expression other mean of negative emotions.

Jonel Fernando is the author of Jonel For more visit

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Orange tips - as the color orange is used to improve your life

The color orange - overview

It is said that the colour orange is a color that you love or hate. Orange is a very sociable color that stimulates our urge to make, be active, but also our appetite stimulating. In Christianity, Orange gluttony is associated with, while in the Indian tradition, relationship is associated with.

Imagine that in England the color orange only by some people could be worn in the Elizabethan era and this was prescribed by law. Orange symbolizes courage.

Today, most of us associate Orange extravagance, sociability, passion, living people, energy and heat. It is a fun, warm colour and attention is sometimes worn by people who want. This can be because they want to feel sociable or stand out from the crowd.

Orange is also linked to creativity and can be increased the supply of oxygen to the brain, promotion of mental activity and appetite. Young people are more wine accepted, the Orange and it was very successful in the advertising industry to promote food and toys.

The color Orange-In of your environment
A such energising colour that can promote creativity, appetite and mental activity as orange, it is the perfect choice for rooms, which are chosen for some creative purposes or a social purpose.

Can be in a room, which she does in smaller and uses it is best to select a gold colour or a peach tone, or otherwise ensure that it is a very small dose of Orange.

"There is no blue without yellow and orange." is a quotation from Vincent van Gogh. This is excellent advice, orange work in your environment, such as indigo is the complementary color of Orange.

So could you benefit with orange in:

1. An Office

2. Games room

3. A Studio (art, music etc..)

4. A restaurant

5. Dining room

(6) The living room

(7) The corridor

The color Orange-In the Chakra System

The word chakra is a Sanskrit word which means wheel. According to some traditions, we have a number of chakras in our bodies. These chakras to move in a spiral, the distribution of energy and consciousness. If our chakras are offset your health should be very well, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Orange is the color of the second chakra, which can be found directly below the Navy. If this chakra is blocking you can sexual guilt or emotional problems. Second chakra, also called the spleen chakra or sacral chakra, refers to reproductive and sexual capacity.

If you, that you think may not be so happy, emotional, how you want to be, make some orange in the area, the clothing or the gems that you wear. Take a look at below shades be sure that you get the optimal result.

Orange different shades mean different things to the color
If she can shade of Orange dark plurinational and encourage feelings of fraud and mistrust.

Sexual passion and joy is there the red-orange shade of orange the you need to embed in your clothes or environment. Also the feelings of the dominance and the desire to Act promotes these shadows.

A shadow encouraged by Orange that has feelings of prestige gold element. This golden orange colours help to gain wealth, wisdom, and quality.

If you want to inject some orange in another life in your own environment or as a gift, own good option in the range of Bombay duck is door buttons. Buttons come in a variety of designs and colors, including various shades of Orange this colorful glass door.

A last thought, is this Orange in a kitchen or a family dining area according to the eating habits of the family used. What does that mean? How Orange our appetite encourage can it possibly not smart, have them too much to want to you diet or not feel mysterious encouraged more than you require can eat!

Jackie writes about Orange and its properties for the blog MadMolly. This site has many great options, orange in my life, but stocks Rosie Flo coloring books for children and the bit of orange in the kitchen of MadMolly shares for the three daughters born in kitchen to inject wall plaques.

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What is always

The 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous(AA) and food addicts in recovery anonymous (FA) is full of paradoxes. The most famous, that we give away is not what we do not have. The magnificent reality which is AA and FA, the by remain clean, sober and abstinent, and working the 12 steps, I have now in my possession give something positive to others. Before I was a taker AA and FA. Plain and simple. Everything that I had to give was chaos, confusion, more sophisticated or dependent behavior. If someone needs my love and attention, it only got to give, I, if I had an ulterior motive. Unconditional or anything about me was free. I took hostages and I had no way to love, because I was injured so within. I was a vampire. The first chance I have, I would you suck dry.

Today, after years of give, forgive and let all my investments to people, said places and things, I finally give something valuable. My teaching and my journey have become my spiritual contribution to the planet because I have recovered from a seemingly hopeless illness his caused more me a bottomless need looking after. Today, I have good news to spread. I am a walking miracle. I am now a sponsor. By he do a sponsor I have a direct link to the twelfth step every day. I am clean, sober and abstinent service, and work the intellectual tools of recovery. From my example, I can give hope an another addict on a given day. I am proof that a God can it. I can be a light in the world instead of a Tiefdunkles black hole. I build and not destroy. Is a sponsor keeps me restoring for another day and a wonderful energy it brings to my life. It guarantees me another day without a drink, a drug or a snack. Even with over 25 years of recovery, I'm away a drink from the a drunkard and a bite of a binge. I get it. But I do not intentionally with purpose today live.

AA and FA saves souls. Today, I am among people on the planet, is employed by the creator. Every morning I show up for duty. My duty is to be maximum service to my fellows and therefore the source of all things, my creator. The grace of the universe calls to each of us, it's just that some of us have so much noise in our minds that we can hear the call. My job is people listen to the call. I've seen that people who rise from the ashes like the Phoenix. I've seen they rise from dead people life breathed back through the love in the rooms. Today, I have a uninhibited burning desire to be useful. I give it away if you won't let me. My only goal will be helpful.

Eleanor R. has more than 25 years of recovery from alcoholism and 10 years of recovery from food addiction. It is anonymous in a 115-pound body for the last 10 years after he lost 70 pounds and maintaining this weight loss due to the food addicts in recovery. It has successful relationships, and she has her dream job. She was many times the 12 steps and has already hundreds by the steps in the last 25 years of recovery. She looks in her profession is looking for and how it affects the whole family on a daily basis. For over 20 years, she works on their territory. She received numerous awards and public acknowledgements for the contribution she made to her field. She teaches at the national level on the subject of family healing and legal systems reform. She travelled with her family, visiting at least 16 countries around the world. To learn more, please visit:

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

The power of the spoken word - a life lesson for my daughter

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Last Monday a perfect summer, what evening in Chicago. Not a cloud in the sky with warm temperatures and a light breeze blowing off the lake kept it existing and far from Poseidon.

I had slept late that morning and feeling what well rested from a two-week travel assignment. I was scheduled to be away again in a few days and what intent on spending some downtime with my husband and daughter.

There's a lot of activity in Chicago in the summer. It's the summers that make up for the at times harsh and relentless winter and one of the reasons that I still call Chicago home.

What better place to experience the city this evening than the 'button of Chicago'.

We arrived at the downtown venue at about 6.45 PM just ahead of the evening rush. We could hear the musicals from the 'Broadway in Chicago' performance on the main stage.

My husband and I had done a 4-mile run that morning and so I was primed and hungry. After we purchased our food tickets, I made a beeline for the Nigerian kiosk serving coconut rice, stewed goat meat and fried plantains. There is nothing like good cooked ' soul food'.

Wiping off my hands after finishing off we wove in and out of the crowds 'window shopping' for dessert. There were low flying sea gulls all around US.

' I wish these birds would stop flying over me. I don 't want them to poop on me!' exclaimed my daughter in disgust.

'Mind what you say, they could just poop on you', I replied absentmindedly as I peered into the closely packed stalls looking for a unique twist on dessert.

My husband decided to grab a can of beer. We had run out of tickets. I what still in search of the 'once in a lifetime' dessert. So we sauntered over to a ticket booth to purchase some more.

We were just about to stand on line when my daughter let out a blood-curdling scream. Alarmed we both whipped around to see what had happened to her.

There on the left side of her neck which dribble a neat white of bird poop!

I could not control my laughter! There she what irate - now trying to swat at the errant birds with her purse. I had one piece of tissue left over from my dinner. I deftly cleaned her amidst my neck snickers of laughter.

'I told you to be careful of what you say,' I admonished her playfully as I explained to my husband the earlier exchange I had with her over just the same topic.

You see what my daughter had just experienced first hand what an example of the power of the spoken word.

To me it what exciting that she could see first hand that she had the power to manifest what she put her mind to intentionally or unintentionally.

This is what a great teaching moment for US as a family.

'Think of the power that you have to create anything you want in your life!' I exclaimed excitedly. Being the teenager that she is she simply rolled her eyes.

Yes we all have the power to create the anything that we want to create in our lives.

That power lies in a part of our mind called the subconscious mind and just as my daughter found out in our laboratory life's experiment, the subconscious mind does not have a great sense of humor!

Whatever you suggest to the subconscious mind it sets out to make your reality.

And it can get bogged down by constant negative mental chatter and clutter.

Do you pay attention to what you feed your mind?

Just as I shared in an earlier article on mental poisoning what you focus on you bring more into your awareness.

It's always intriguing to me when I hear patients say things like ' I just knew I was going to get sick after that person sneezed on me!'

And guess what? The subconscious mind is just like the 'genie in the bottle' when you consciously or unconsciously declare you are going to get sick-well it's your wish is command you get sick!

Some people find it intriguing that despite my work as a locum tenens physician with travel to different hospitals, and staying in hotels for weeks, I do not get sick. At times I work up to an 80-hour week.

I'm not saying this to impress you, but to impress upon you that I prime my subconscious mind with thoughts of health, vibrancy and leisure.

We all have the power to do the same things with our subconscious mind. we just need to make a conscious choice to. It is not my intention to make this sound so simple, as I know some readers may think I'm just saying ' just say it and it's going to happen the way you want to say it'.

The power of the spoken word on the subconscious mind is a sum of how you have trained your mind to interpret past experiences.

Using my daughter as an example. This is how our beliefs get primed in US at a young age:

If as her parent, my belief were that bad things are always bound to happen, then the bird pooping on her what just another self-fulfilling prophecy. And I my was probably would have reacted differently to reflect. I would have validated what has been my experience that fed into her disgust. That would have left her with the innate message that bad things will always happen as we should expect.

Instead of that I chose to see the possibility and potential!

Possibility because she has declared that she wants to do great things in the world as a singer and a songwriter. If she says that she is going to be one who is anyone even me to say that can't happen?

Needless to say neither the bird nor my daughter were harmed in anyway. I trust will look back on this lesson that she and realize that she has the innate power to create a bright and wonderful future just because she said so.

Here are some things to consider and so practice this week:

If you knew you could not fail, what would you do?

Practice declaration with small things all week. For example that you'll find a parking space when you need one, a friend will be available to talk when you need them. Just practice!

Next week become bolder and practice declaring bigger things-like you'll have a certain amount of money to meet a financial obligation, or you'll get a job promotion.

Do not become attached to the results of these exercises.

Just as you build muscle while working out with weights, these exercises are just a way to start working out your mind and to explore what's possible if you change your mindset to expect positive outcomes.

I look forward to your comments. Until next time,

To your health and wellbeing,

Dr Eno

Born in the United Kingdom, Dr Nsima-Obot what one of the top ten graduating students from University of Calabar, Nigeria in 1987. She completed her residency training in 1996 from the long Iceland College Hospital, Brooklyn, New York, and since then has maintained ongoing requirements for board certification in internal medicine. In 1998, she relocated to the greater Chicago area. Her practice philosophy is to empower her patients to by providing them with information so that they can partner better in their healthcare. She holds regular speaking events in areas of wellness and prevention, and has also started offering ongoing workshops. For more information about Dr Eno log onto

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