Anger is a human emotions. It is strongly associated with anger and all of us have seen it in any way, since we were children. We are as children taught that rage and anger are not in order, and so we our anger and our anger learn early and very cleverly hide.
Anger is also connected to fear. It is often a fear response that solves an angry outburst, and is part of the fight or flight response. But fighting and withdrawal are actions that we perform in response to a threat from the outside. These actions are built into our system and there are to get our lives - they are a function of the part of the brain called the limbic system. When this function of the limbic system is triggered, we find that we have acted before we consciously realised it. On the other hand, fear and anger are emotions that but generally a part of the same answer, internal thought or perception to a situation to respond. Because they are an internal representation, we can do generally what we are seeing something about this kind of reactions before they create a problem for us in the outer world.
This means that we make the emotions disappear? Emotion is energy. What energy, if it is no longer discernible - stop to exist? Or is it turned into something else? Physics teaches us that energy can not be destroyed, it is transformed in something else. If we press and deny our anger, it is in a different form, often called pain and disease in the body again. Or we it project, which is around us and a target for the anger to. It is a cycle of blame and accusations, sometimes for decades.
If you could to attract evil people in your life, it be worth in situations where you do not have your own angry emotions, to investigate. You can turn your unwanted anger into a productive force. Anger has so much energy, imagine, what could you accomplish if it could turn into an area in your life, requires an outburst of energy and enthusiasm!
The need for the forgiveness of those who have earned our angry or furious emotions is important, so we not these emotions against us and emerging as a serious health problems. Often we feel anger, and will not be able to forgive those who have wronged us – we believe that they should pay for what they have done. But if we look at our production at the energetic level, what we put out comes back to us three times and more. If we set our anger "out there" then we withdraw 3 it X to us. If we pardon, to delete the same thing. Love what you want to do, acceptance, quality, to pull back?
Forgiveness is not about letting people off the hook. It's about you free yourself from the destructive cycle, which has no good results for your mind, your health and your relationships.
Estelle is a massage therapist and owner of the Esprit coaching certified life coach, NLP-practitioner, NLP-performance coach, certified rehabilitation. She is passionate about the condition, that their customers with successful strategies for the realization of guarantee a life of purpose, meaning and performance with the best tools for fast results change. Visit ESPRIT coaching today and get your copy of the success of booster MP3.
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