Anger or resentment can be caused by our inability, say "No", if we really want to do something, but yet for this vote. Many of us feel obliged to say 'Yes', because we believe that it is expected of us. And when we say 'No', we can fear that this will lead to problems in a relationship or we no longer liked or loved.
'Yes setting' may be a result of deep seated beliefs and behavior codes, connected by education, religion, gender, and class. If you notice someone as powerful or as you, like your boss, influential, you are more likely to say 'Yes' to a request from his when it came from someone who is an employee of you. People who say only 'yes' all time have low self-esteem.
Society you can see how the most selfless people who would do anything to help others. Their being a sign of being in self-esteem is low selfless however. They victims their lives for others, so that she are loved and appreciated. However, these 'Saints' are often martyrs. The typical characteristics of their personality are themselves victims, a 'good' person, friendly and always happy looking, never taking time for yourself.
Over caring is so damaging as is under maintenance. Love is still not over this only causes given away even as a slave resentment,. It is more about honor and appreciate the life so much so that just about love to others spills. Of course, be eligible for this person and sharing without the need of recognition.
Both "Yes" and "No" are part of life. Say "Yes", if it makes you feel good, but please say "No" If you don't want to do something. Go against your own gut instinct leads to conflicts and complications while she to solutions and new opportunities opened you.Even though you risk losing your job or benefit termination of a relationship, to honor your inner feelings in the long run.
Self-honesty is the highest form of honesty and the only one that permanently can bring you good luck. Hide your true feelings of self and other is the attempt to live your ego to an idealized image of itself. Honestly with others means that you are not afraid to show them who you really are and what you really feel. Golden rule can use others as honest as you are with yourself. Because our cultural education is associated with, to say "Yes", liked and say "No" not only rejected or disliked, most people tend to prefer the Yes version of communication, especially if it a chef or a person close to affect. In contrast to small children who do not hesitate to "No", if they know this pleasure - they say instinctively, that they are loved by their parents - we have learned, to buy our love with the word "Yes", although this can be you us increasingly resentful.
To say, if we do think that "none" created an internal conflict between what we really want to do and what we will be expected to "Yes".Rules be subtle blackmail, bribery, and themselves and regulations formulated by parents, teachers and other authorities have taught us to meet manipulation. Say "Yes" seemed the only way what you get, we wanted to, but we had to pay a price for it. Because we were afraid of undesirable consequences that would have thrown a "no", feeling of frustration, anger, uncertainty, fear and guilt and carefree and honestly to replace our innate spontaneous ability began. As we continue to grow, we have adopted always the same or similar methods of manipulating others.
The irony of everything, that is, that other people just be and prefer honest about how you really feel as last minute excuses or unforgiving acceptances for, say, an invitation. Say "Yes", if you feel how to say "No" means lying, but in fact it is "Self denial." So next time, when you say "Yes" but actually feel how to say "No", show himself: "I have said, 'Yes' again when I really don't mean it." This will take your old unconscious ' say yes '-pattern in your consciousness and can take either undo to say it and the truth, or they will learn a lesson to transform itself.
The fastest way of learning of your emotions and a safe way to the emotional problems in life is aware to overcome. Also helps you with suppressed anger taken vigorous exercise. It supports the body of excess attempting to empty the chemical equivalent of anger of norepinephrine. Exercise the body's chemical equilibrium is restored and raises your self-esteem. Talk to friends, as you feel, to express your anger about writing or consultation and to minimize through meditation all in dealing with this unpleasant and destructive emotions can. These methods are used like the let of steam from a pressure cooker, allowing you to gain greater insights from your emotions.
Who suffers from constant anger or frustration in life has a large number of gallstones, accumulated in the liver and gall bladder. One of the fastest ways which is clearing old resentments and suppressed anger, to eliminate all gallstones by a series of liver flushes. As long as bile ducts are blocked and bile obstructed flow of information, energy and joyful feelings are steamed, and anger and frustration. Gallstones are a constant source of recurring irritation; by these removed, the above methods of dealing with emotions become much easier and more successful.
[This is an excerpt from the book ' time to come alive by Andreas Moritz is ']
Andreas Moritz is a writer and practitioner in the field of integrative medicine. It is holistic health, including the amazing liver and gallbladder flush, timeless secrets the author of 13 books on various topics of health and rejuvenation and cancer is not a disease. His latest book entitled ' vaccine nation: poisoning the people, one shot at a time '.
Moritz is also the creator of the Ener-Chi art ( and Holy Santémony.
Much of his life's work is dedicated to understanding and treatment of root causes of disease and helps to naturally heal the body, mind, spirit and heart.
Connect with Andreas at:
Copyright © 2011 by Andreas Moritz
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