The word "narrow" means to compress or squeeze or stop the natural history or the development of something. Have you ever pressed so closely, that it was uncomfortable? You know how if the nurse used a blood pressure cuff, to take your blood pressure. It can get uncomfortable because she has to the cuff dense enough, to measure the pressure. It is very disturbing to think, but have you ever seen a boa constrictor snake that squeeze the life of an animal? Well once it his body to the beast in presses in the body of the animal then each time it squeezes it tighter, then a more stringent, then breathes a stricter has until it presses the life out of the poor little animals.
Literally, it slows the natural breathing process of the animal until it has no life in it. In a short time, the animal dies of asphyxiation anger does not share a component of a snake Boa constrictor controlled. Uncontrolled anger can push and suck the lives of people we love and those around us, the witnesses or objectives such behavior. You can stop the natural and spiritual growth of the individual, if it is not controlled. It can stop the uncontrolled anger also natural and spiritual growth of those on the receiving end. Anger is an emotion, and while you experience this feeling one is called manifestation inside the anger. But as soon as the outer manifestation of the anger displayed, and its fruit produces works of the flesh, your anger is sinful nature.[Galatians 5: 19-20-the acts of the sinful nature are obvious: fornication, impurity and debauchery;] Idolatry and witchcraft; Hatred, dissension, jealousy, seats of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, groups and envy; Drunkenness, Orgies, and the like. [I warn you, as I previously, that those who do not inherit the as the life, the Kingdom of God.]
It is the outer manifestation, which determines whether anger is sinful. All fortresses should be overcome. Otherwise, they will suck the life out of you. A stronghold is simply a wrong thinking pattern that has formed to think in our way. Fortresses are based on the basis of deception and error. Forts may have such fixed in the grip of a person that they are unable to detect a lie from the truth. Persons without control of angry often believe that they are not justified in their action. The lie is that it is someone else fault. This is the person even deceive or so that the father of lies, to defraud them. Now, 10: 4 finds such as overcoming fortresses in Romans 12: 2 and 2 Corinthians.
In contrast to the word of God is all fantasy and everything,2 Corinthians 10: 4 (casting imaginations and everything up, which bring up against the knowledge of God exalteth and captive every thought to the obedience of Christ;) (2) Renew our minds with the truth of Romans 12: 2 - and are not to this world was: but it transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect, the will of God. If you are struggling with external manifestations of anger, not fruit of the spirit, questions to a question, bin you I pressed the lives of those who I love? God bless!
Nanette Floyd Patterson, MA, LPC
HISentrepreneur, HIScoach, & Christian counselor certified
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