Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Control anger - before it control

We have all felt anger and know what it is about. Anger is normal and is often a healthy human emotions. But there will be a problem if it gets control, and is destructive. This often leads to problems at work, problems in our personal relationships and in the overall quality of our lives. It is this consequence, the us feel that we are the grace of these unpredictable and uncontrollable emotions.

In fact, what is anger, and how we respond to anger?

Anger can occur external and internal be carried out. She could (supervisor) or situation (congestion or cancelled flight) angry person. It could also be that you are concerned about your personal problems. Unfortunate events last memories also lead to the bad feeling.

The intuitive way to express anger is aggressive to respond. Anger is a natural response to threat; It creates intense emotions and behaviors, the US, us to defend if we are attacked. As such, it is necessary to a balanced lot of trouble for our survival.

We can not however be physical actions on any person or an object that irritates us. Laws, values and norms of the society set on how far we can express our anger limits.

People often use a combination of conscious and unconscious actions to deal with their angry feelings. Are three common approaches to the term bring, suppress, soothing and.

The healthiest way to express anger is assertive (non destructive) way to express these feelings. To be assertive, you must learn how clear terms what your needs are, and how they can be met, and without hurting others. Is not meant assertive aggressive. On the contrary, it means that respectful others and especially you.

Can also anger are suppressed, and then transformed. This is usually in the form of control your anger, avoidance of any thoughts about it and redirecting such ill feelings for something positive. Goal is to inhibit your anger and change it to a more positive behavior. The risk of oppression is it enable expression not externally, by turning your anger inward on yourself. Such manifestation can to stress, which lead to medical related effects such as depression and high blood pressure.

Unexpressed anger can create other problems. This could be too illogical and misleading expressions of anger (again and again to people without them why, instead of directly to say using them) or behavior, the suspicious or appears pessimistic. People who criticize everything, are constantly other Prostavlenie and skeptical comments have not learned positively express their anger. They are typically not likely also have many successful relationships.

Finally you can internally calm down. Means not only control this answers your internal reactions, but also your outside. Doing activities that reduce your heart rate, calm down below and can diminish the feelings.

Unfortunately, if neither of these methods work, that is, if someone or something is risk of injury.

Danny tan is an expert in self-help. More free tips and advice on self-help, click here to subscribe to my free newsletter (in the amount of US$ 97) or visit my website @

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