Saturday, August 20, 2011

How complete with rage? Thoughts for emotional eaters

Anger is a feeling that you are comfortable with, or it is an emotion that you go to great lengths to avoid? For many women feelings are to upset some of the toughest confirm and effectively deal with. Before you tell me that it is not part of the world, here is the truth: everyone gets angry. And contrary to what some women grow up have learned, it is not meaningless or unkind or rude.

Anger is a fact of life.

Anger is also a feeling. There is no behavior.

If (which we will, because we are human and feel all the rage from time to time), we feel the anger we two ways:

* How we deal with the feeling

* How we choose behavior

Many people, especially women, fear feeling angry. Can be one of the reasons that blurred the distinction between feeling and behavior has. It is not uncommon, the trouble with "react" (, behavior is, associate). So that a client that is uncomfortable with anger could say something like, "I don't want to be angry." "I like not to cry." Or, "what the point of being angry, there will be problems." (Indeed, it is under the assumption, that due to a feeling angry will do their behaviour which decides they cause some kind of difficulty.)

Anger is not a bad thing. Our anger is a signal that something is wrong. In a relationship when a person becomes angry, somewhat smooth doesn't work. It is a sign that something needs to be corrected. Fueled injustice has a lot of trouble and the anger and some of the behaviors or responses that have been selected have powerful change in families in communities and in the world.

So what do you do with the feeling of anger?

You stuff down to it, try to distract? You breathe into it and feel the power? Let it grow, get maybe it think about past anger really simmering? Goods you already do not judge your anger and can be easy with the feeling?

You know that you are larger than your feelings and no sense will wash away you? Finally as a wave crest, and then that even the biggest feeling of anger will go back?

Most people skip over the sense and really busy trying to do with the anger to find out what (the behavior).

What do you do when you are angry?

You scream, yell, or stamp of the floor? You attack and are looking for someone to blame or become angry AT? You write like hell and let your magazine have everything?

Or try away from the anger? Food, if you are angry or sleep or escape into something to avoiding your anger? Try to distract or simply choose "be not angry?" If you how much work it takes to down to keep clogged up there? Seep it out at the edges?

You can choose behaviors that you don't like, if you feel angry? Occurs there too fast? You have the feeling of control if, feel angry or you feel strong and powerful?

Have you ever tried to develop physically your anger - by sweating or dance or kickboxing or go really fast?

Or find themselves directed by your anger to itself, so that you're guilty and even feeling judgments for feeling, the way you do?

How will you participate, your feelings and behavior, if you feel angry?

Please note, the feeling not angry not an option here. It is a guarantee that from time to time you will feel angry.

Without to know what to do with feelings can be a major source of stress. Start by themselves Wroth and next time you will be permission are, experiment with the separation of your feeling of which are

The behavior. The more you can compassion with your evil itself, the more able a step back and decisions to the tend to your feelings and how you want behavior.

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Melissa McCreery, PhD, ACC, is a psychologist, ICF certified life coach, emotional food expert and the founder of the = MerchantID & AdID = 477405, a company specializing in providing emotional eating solutions for much busy women struggling with food, weight and stress. She is the author of the emotional food Toolbox(TM) 28 day program and the success of Soundtrack(TM).

View the original article here

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